View Full Version : How did you get your cat?

01-21-2005, 09:59 AM
If you have any funny stories or loving or even weird stories of how you got your cats post them here!

I'll tell you how my sister got her newest stray kitten, Doppelganger.

Julia works hard at taking care of her animals (like we all do) and when she sees a stray, she works to gain its trust so she can nurse it back to health, let it gain weight, and take it to the vet. As you all know, this isn't very easy and takes quite a bit of time before a stray will trust you and your other cats.

Doppelganger was different.

She saw him outside and decided to set up the box to catch him so he could be tamed. When she opened the door, he ran in her house! - and refused to come out!

Doppie knew a good thing when he saw it. Two bits of Cat Chow and a night spent sleeping in the bathroom and he was hers for life. And by the way, he's healthy now and disease free. He hasn't had the 'big snip' yet, though, because he needs to pick up a bit of weight first.

He's the only stray we knew to enter right away when opportunity knocked. Bless his little heart! - he knew he had found a furrever home!

01-21-2005, 10:09 AM
I got Thor from my boyfriend's dad as a kitten and Mason came from a farm...but here's the story of my mom's RB kitty, Mr. Kitty...when I was 17 I smoked (still do:( ) I was outside on the deck and felt somthing rub on me. It was Mr. Kitty. This was June, 1999. We kept on feeding him, but he lived outside (my dad actually built a heated shed for him!:D ). Well, it was Christmas Eve '99 and the whole family was at my mom and dad's for the holiday...poor Mr. Kitty...he was sitting on the front porch looking sadly in the house, he had ice and snow hanging off his long, orange fur. He looked so sad! My mom brought him inside, ignoring my dad's adament "NO"'s. He stayed until he went to the RB about 4 months ago...he was only 6 or 7, and we have no idea why he died. One minute he was purring, rubbing on my mom in bed...and hour later when my bro got home he was gone on the couch. No clue what happened to him or why it happened so fast!

01-21-2005, 10:16 AM
A lady at our Prosecutor's office found a stray that had her kittens outside, and only two of the five survived. She was looking to give them away to loving homes, and I had just been diagnosised with manic depression. It was advised by my doctor that having pets would help keep me off the medication. Well I was talking to my friend who works with this lady and then the next thing I know I have my sweet little Mina who just makes me feel wonderful when I get home.

01-21-2005, 10:30 AM
My RB cat, Pookie, came into our life one halloween. We were trick-or-treating at the local pizza parlor and this gorgeous dilute calico came out to greet us. She had been living in the dumpster for quite a while. Then she jumped in our car! (This from a girl who screamed and foamed at the mouth when in the car for the rest of her 13 years!) Everyone there decided it was fate, so she went home with us.

Of course, her name just HAD to be Spooky. What else do you name a cat that comes to you on Halloween? My brother, however, was only two or three at the time, and missing his front teeth. The name came out "Pookie" and Pookie fit her to a t!

01-21-2005, 11:25 AM
I'll make my stories short and sweet.

Tigger and her RB brother Tony were adopted from a lady at my local bank. She knew both Mark and I were getting married and that I wanted to have a cat so she asked if I would be willing to adopt a brother and sister pair....so we did.

Smokey was thrown away in a garbage can. A friend that I was working with found him and took him in until she could find a good home for him.

Tucker showed up in my front bushes in the middle of winter. I tried several times to bring her inside during the really cold times but she wanted nothing to do with that. She eventually stayed and now has the run of the house.

Mystic showed up at my house already spayed but I guess no one wanted her. Mark and I joke that whoever had her before us got rid of her because they could not keep up with how much she ate.

Abner followed a dog to my house and decided to make himself right at home.

Gracie and Gabriel were rescued by Jan (QSA) and Mark and I decided to adopt this brother and sister pair....and they have been quite the pair. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-21-2005, 11:43 AM
Allen was a kitten of my aunt's cat. We went to a birthday party at her house. The person who promised to take Allen backed out. My aunt spent the party ashing everyone if they wanted a kitten. It took some begging but hubby eventually said yes. A stop at the pet store on the way home and we loaded up on cat items!

We were not in the market for cat #2. My mom came to visit one saturday and we went to Petco with my daughters. We saw kittens... awwwww. Called hubby to ask if we could have one. He said no. So we left and went to Target (which was alos in the shopping center.) he called us while in Target and asked what his new cat looked like. I told him we didn't get it because he said no.... so we RAN ourselves back to Petco and put in an application. turns out we weren't able to get that cat so we returned a week later and found Pouncer. whew.

Then Pouncer's foster mom and I became good friends over the year. I would go to Petco and bring Pouncer to visit Jen every weekend. One visit the rescue was saying how they are desperate for foster homes. I asked hubby, he said Yes, and I fostered. I failed Fostering 101 and kept my second set of kittens. :D

01-21-2005, 12:52 PM
Fluffy showed up in my husband's backyard (while we were dating) and I just HAD to feed him. That was almost 16 years ago!! :eek:

Lucky was adopted from our local Humane Society. How we came about his name: We adopted him on Friday the 13th, and according to the paperwork at 13:00 hours, he was born on April 1st. Then more recently he has really lived up to his name by beating Chylothorax and is now a happy & HEALTHY kitty!

Yoshi was born feral at the park where K&L feed their park cats. Lisa knew I was looking for an all white male with blue eyes. Well......:rolleyes: he was that way at birth anyways!! :rolleyes:

PJ's Mom
01-21-2005, 01:01 PM
Pumpkin showed up on my back patio as a tiny kitten about 7 years ago and my Rottie wanted to eat her. (he'd never seen a cat before) :D

I saved her from the big, mean doggie and gave her to my friend who lived alone and was looking for a pet. She was a great cat and I wanted nothing more than to keep her but I couldn't. 2 years later, I married my "friend", so in a way I got to keep her anyway. :D I sometimes wonder why I could've just kept the cat without the marraige part.

:rolleyes: :D

We got Barclay from someone who had a sign for free kitties on the side of the road. :)

01-21-2005, 02:28 PM
All of mine were rescued off the streets...with the exception of Georgie who was given to me when the woman had to move to a no cats apartment.

01-21-2005, 02:38 PM
Miagi was rescued from a shelter from my parents last year and he is the LOVE of my life :D :D :D

01-21-2005, 02:45 PM
Remus was a wierd case...

The night before I went to the shelter to "look" *ha ha* I had a dream about picking a kitten and naming him Remus. When I went to the shelter, I didn't really see a kitty that would fit in my home *although I felt like adopting them ALL*. On the way out the door I heard this pitiful meow! I looked over and saw this tiny kitten trying to power crawl over his brother. He missed and landed head first in his water dish! I knew right then I had to get that little guy. *He isn't so little anymore!!!*

Spook I found while helping a friend move. We were coming into her parking spot at her apartment when I saw this black shadow near some bushes. When I got out of the truck, I heard yowling and sure enough there was this small black kitten poking her head out of the bushes. I said "Kitty, go home!" figuring that someone had just accedentally *or on purpose :mad: * let out their cat. Then as I went into my friends apartment, I saw that the kitty was following me! I decided to take her home, since it had started to snow and a tour of the neighborhood hadn't turned up an owner. The ride home was interesting to say the least *I found out quickly that Spook hates cars!*

01-21-2005, 05:46 PM
A friend mentioned that her renter's cat had had kittens so I went over to look. I fell in love with a solid black male but my husband fell for Kuhio . She was the smallest and most shy of the litter. So home she came for 17 wonderful years.

Halo was adopted 1 month after Kuhio was accidently put to sleep by Animal Control. My husband said he couldn't stand coming home to an empty house, so he went to the same shelter that put Kuhio to sleep and found Halo sleeping "tits up". She was only 9 months old and it was obvious that she had just given birth. No one knows what happened to her kittens.

We had felt bad over the years that Kuhio was an "only" child so we thought that Halo needed a sister. We visited a no-kill shelter looking for a lap kitty (since Halo is not very snuggly) who was about Halo's age There were 140 cats to look at. A very persistent tortie followed us from room to room and was always in our face. We couldn't shake her! When we went upstairs, she ran up the banister. When we came downstairs, she jumped up on my shoulder and would not leave. I laughed and told Bob that we had evidently been chosen. Bob went out to the car to get the cat carrier while I handled paperwork. When he brought it inside and opened the door, Cammie walked right into it and sat down and looked at us as if to say "What are you waiting for?" Turns out that Cammie is a "woman of mystery". She evidently "lied" about her age because our vet says she's at least 13. She and Halo have never gotten along. Maybe because of the age difference or maybe because of Cammie's "tortitude".

A year after Cammie conned her way into the house, :p I was volunteering at the no-kill shelter. A little, scraggely kitty (Pepper) kept coming up to me. She was so adorable that I just had to pick her up and she purred like a freight train each time I did. I wanted to get her, but knew that Bob wouldn't go for it. So, I asked him to accompany over to the shelter to drop off a couple of bags of food. Pepper made her usual appearance and I pretended like she was a nuisance and asked Bob to pick her up and keep her out of my way. Well, she curled up in his arms, turned on the motor and fell asleep. Bob relunctantly put her down when we left. The next week, Bob volunteered to come with me to deliver the food ;). Pepper did her thing again but this time I started a conversation up with one of volunteers who told us that Pepper has an awful heart murmur that could not be fixed. Several families had backed out of adopting her because she was going to be a frail :rolleyes: sickly :rolleyes: invalid :rolleyes: kitty. When we left, Bob was very quiet. A few days later, I had to leave for a business trip. When I returned, Pepper, was queen of the castle. She had Bob, Halo and Cammie waiting on her hand and foot. We are all her adoring slaves! :D

01-21-2005, 06:30 PM
Tigger was a tiny, skinny stray kitten, he was about 5 weeks old when we took him in.

Emma came from the SPCA :)

01-21-2005, 07:34 PM
Saphirah was my husband's kitty when we started dating. He got her from a neighbor.

Chloe was adopted from an animal shelter.

Samson moved in under our house when we were living temporarily in the country. (We are pretty sure someone dumped him.) At the time, he was thin and his fur was dull. The exterminator had just put out mouse poison under the house, so we knew it was not safe for him there. We blocked off the crawlspace, and put our extra dog house on the front porch with some straw in it. Meanwhile, we had started to feed him. When we first decided to let him in, he made himself right at home. We always say that Samson told us, "Hey, guys! I'm moving in!" He's been with us for 2 years now.:)