View Full Version : Single and looking:)

01-20-2005, 05:15 PM
Since Hannah has a boykitty friend(her Remus bear), And Valentines day is fastly approaching, it has left Puff and Stash searching for love:D They want to have a Special Valentine too! So if anyone will be so kind, and maybe let their kitty be "Valentines" please let us know.

A little bit about Stash: Stash is always polite and very respectful. He loves wearing his tuxedo colors. He is looking for a special lady, who is just as gentle and calm as he. He is very playful at times, but also has his serious side. He is about 1 year old now,A male*hence the he* and loves tummy rubs, and neck scritches. His favorite food is tuna fish (bumble bee for preference) and he likes a fresh potty pan everytime! (and dont worry, he does "close the lid" so to speak;)) Anyone interested? I will included pictures below:D

A little bit about Puff: Puff is very calm and collective. She loves all human food, and she HATES the vaccuum. She does the puffy tail very often, and loves her sister Hannah. She loves to be cuddled, and is a daddys girl bad. PS- Daddy is very protective over "his daughter" and would like to know all intentions! She has beautiful blue eyes, and is about 2 years old now, A female *hence the she*. She is a little bit "fluffy" but she thinks that it is just perfect for her:D Both are Fixed;)

Any Takers? Pictures below;)

more in next post...

01-20-2005, 05:16 PM
Now Puff:

01-20-2005, 05:30 PM
Well I have a 3 year old female. Unfixed at the moment. She maybe pregnant. She has had 3 other litters and is a very good mother. If you like that type. She loves head scratches, and gives a lot of head bumpies. She is a bit of a fighter if you cross her wrong though. She is very loving on the other hand and would love nothing more than some one to lay next to her and pet her all day long!

Pictures to follow.

Lovely Rachel.



01-20-2005, 05:36 PM
Ohh Rachel is very pretty! Is she going to stay with you forever, or is she a foster kitty? She has amazing markings;) She doesnt have a Valentine already? I dont believe it. Stash thinks she should have been snatched up along time ago;) And Stash adores baby kitties:D And loves long pets too:D

01-20-2005, 05:53 PM
My little Pervy fainted dead away when she saw Stash!


Once she came to and looked at his handsome face again she just couldn't contain herself!
Ohhh LALA she says!

Pervy is around three years old and has never had a valentine.:( She is quiet, gentle, and plays easily with others. She loves having her fuzzy little belly brushed!

And she does a mean elevator butt!!

:D :D :D

01-20-2005, 06:07 PM
Hi Puff! My name is Whisper and I am a six year old male, DMH, and the brofur to two sisters. I know I am a little older, but I think you are very beautiful and would love for you to be my Valentine! I am also very sweet, except to my sister Shadow, and I love to get pets and lovings from both my Paw Paw and Meowmie.

Here I am thinking of you!

I refuse to look into the camera until you tell me you love me too!


Will you be my Valentine?


01-20-2005, 06:12 PM
I don't like playing hard to get, but will if you like a chase...


I'll even share my favorite seat on the cat tree, just for you!


You make me smile!


Waiting for you, my love.


01-20-2005, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by kt_luvs_kitties

Now Puff:


Hi Puff!!


Oops, forgive me...

I mean ....Hi Puff.....


01-20-2005, 06:47 PM
tsk tsk tsk... Eddie, Kylie's gonna be heartbroken!

01-20-2005, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
tsk tsk tsk... Eddie, Kylie's gonna be heartbroken!

If you can't touch, it ain't much.

He's just flirtin'.:rolleyes:

01-20-2005, 06:56 PM
LOL RICHARD! Your cat already has a woman...leave some pretty female kitties for the other boys.

01-20-2005, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by CalliesMom
LOL RICHARD! Your cat already has a woman...leave some pretty female kitties for the other boys.

The fruit don't fall far from the tree....:rolleyes:

01-20-2005, 07:23 PM
OHHHH Pervy, I like the name:D You are BEAUTIFUL! Never had a Valentine.. Thats just not gonna happen another year! You are too pretty not to be snatched up! That belly, that elevator butt...:eek: :eek: :eek: I would love for you to be my Valentine, I will even wear my Tuxedo for you;) Love, Stash

And Eddie, Puff says you are just too handsome. Kylie sure is a very lucky lady;) Richard, that picture is just too adorable:D

Ohhh Whisper. How handsome you are:D I make you smile, aww *blushes* I would love to be your Valentine. You look so handsome when you smile... And yours colors, I just am crazy for you...
I will also share my cat tree with you..
I will dream of you...http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid155/p01f02bdb7547f197835f805c59b3ed30/f565561d.jpg

01-20-2005, 07:24 PM
I will look for you...http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid155/p1447f8bbe2e7747213f77d4433cd1038/f565561a.jpg
I will roll around with you...http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid155/p1ea1a6befcfbc21963379c98ccdce5ae/f5655621.jpg
KISS ME YOU HANDSOME BOY YOU!!!http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid155/p1b0f346bd642ce9d71fe81f3df80d8e2/f565561f.jpg

Love always, Puff :D

01-20-2005, 07:43 PM

You are so beautiful. My heart beats quicker everytime I see a picture of your darling face. You are my one and only always.

Love, Whisper

I'll wait for you.


01-21-2005, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
If you can't touch, it ain't much.

He's just flirtin'.:rolleyes:
What's good for the goose is good for the Gander
Kylie Saunter's over and strikes a pose for Andy.
*Kicks Kloe outta the way* You aren't old enough for a boyfriend yet!!!

01-21-2005, 02:00 AM
Do you think that maybe one (Rachel or Pervy) would be interested in Stashs step brother, Buddy? He is a short hair like Rachel, and He thinks both of you are adorable! He loves kitties, and even took Squeekers in as his own, even tried to breast feed him:eek: He also lives with me, he is my mothers cat. I will include pictures! Please let us know if either would like to be Buddys Valentine, as he is feeling left out!!! He has a freckle on his nose, which is too precious. He loves to get pettings and give headbumpies. He likes his women a lil more aggressive, and likes to be submissive. He is 4 years old, and is a big softy! He loves people food, and is also fixed as well.
I do hope that one of you will give Buddy a chance. He is a super cat, very special!
PS- keep us updated if Rachel is preggy or not, I would love to see more pictures of her, she is beautiful! And I bet her kittens will be also. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid155/p35c305914e06c0029bf8ef036f377d43/f564b3be.jpg

01-21-2005, 04:34 AM
What a fun thread:) And what adorable pictures of sweet kitties. I love Stash's markings. And Whisper with his red heart is just too handsome.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-21-2005, 06:24 AM
My Maya girl has a message for all PT-boys too (the boy-cats, Richard:p )

She is a lovely sweet calico, and she will be 3 on February 1st. Maya is desperately looking for a beau :) . The only request is that she doesn't like males with rough manners :rolleyes: ;)

Here she is:
Maya would love to share her box!!

01-21-2005, 07:27 AM
Mina is wondering when she will be old enough for a Valentine of her own. She is five months old, but is very mature for her age.

I have to with meowmie always having torture me with taking me to that mean white coat who has to cut the bottom of my front paws to get the pieces of my claws that have grown in there. Meowmie says it won't last much longer. I would really like someone to share my experiences with. Meowmie even says that I will possibly get a big sister soon.

I will be getting a digital camera here soon so beware of Mina pictures coming soon.

01-21-2005, 07:27 AM
W:eek:W what gorgeous Cats everyone :). I hope all their wishes come true ;).

01-21-2005, 08:41 AM
Of The Found Cats,Roscoe,Moose,and Princess,are not atken,although all,are a little old,for sparking!!

01-21-2005, 08:51 AM
Rachel would love for Buddy to be her Valentine.

Some days I think she is pregnant, others I think she is just starting to gain weight. I haven't been able to get her into the vet since they have a long wait right now. She will be fixed as soon as she has her babies. I have old pictures of her 2nd litter and she was such a great mom and the babies OMG they were so cute. I would have kept them all. :D

She isn't really much for people food or treats. She is a very and I mean very messy eater. She knocks food into her water dish non stop. She has very pretty blue eyes and will sleep right next to you and purr all night long. I will try to get more pictures of her this weekend. She is very hard to get pictures of as she is always on the move.

Oh and yes she is here to stay. I don't know how my friend gave her up she is so beautiful and full of love all the time.


01-21-2005, 12:31 PM
Cubby, I dont know how you friend gave her up either, I LOVE CALICOS. I had one named Matilda along time ago. She was so sweet, and beautiful. I loved her so much. I still miss her, and she has been gone for many years.
Rachel, you have made Buddys day! He thinks that you and him make a perfect couple!!! And he is VERY glad that you want to be his Valentine! He wants to give you KISS KISS KISS on that pretty pink nosie of yours!:D I would love to see her kitten pictures, and please keep us updated on her, I think she is precious. ;)

Mina is old enough to have a sweetheart also. She is so pretty. Squeekers is only around 4 months old I think. If Mina wants, Squeekers would be glad to have a young girly cat to talk to. *I am sorry Mina that you have to get your nails cut down, I am sure it is painful, but your meowmie only does it because she loves you so much!*

We still have to find boykitty friends for Maya, and Princess!
And girlkitty friends for Roscoe and Moose! I know as hansband/beautiful as they are their are going to be takers! Please feel free to reply if your kitty wants to be one of the above kitties Valentines!

Catman- They are never too old for LOVE! ;)

Valentines so far are....
Buddy and Rachel
Puff and Whisper
Hannah and Remus bear
Pervy and Stash

And if Mina wants Squeekers, he is all hers;)

01-21-2005, 01:05 PM

If you find the need to, Ed won't stand in the way of you finding a valentine.

He has the goose/gander thing all planned out.
He'll paint his back feet yellow and put on a goose snout.:D

01-21-2005, 01:12 PM
....and oh what FUN it was last tear with all the romance in the air here at Cat General. Perhaps this should be another thread...but I know we alreasdy having some longterm Valentines:D http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/liebe/love-smiley-008.gif

Does Stubby still dream about her Dylan? He still has her Valentine from 2004 taped above his foodbowl:D

Eliot and Josie seem quite happy as sweethearst and I happen to know that Eliot is already working on a specail valentine for her...

CATMANDU - Emily is such a daddies girl so I suspect an older gentleman kitty would be purrfect. She is hoping that one of your available man kitties will attempt to court her;) ComeON guys - you may be a bit mature but I am sure you have a spark left!! Do either of you find Princess Emily to your liking??

Oh dear - boyfriend/girlfriend anxiety:rolleyes: Dylan has his truelove Stubby, Eliot is head over paws for Josie, but nobody has ever noticed Princess Emily:( Will she go un-noticed for much longer?
See what a sweetheart she is with the younger ones?
and see the perfect heart formed on her front legs?.... the pretty grey teardrop in her eye? Why has nobody tried to become her beau? Is she too unapproachable?:o

01-21-2005, 01:17 PM
She is so beautiful that all the boy kitties must be afraid to talk to her. Cubby also needs a girl friend as well. He was with Jen's Bonnie but neither one of them have talked in a long while. He would love to be with Emily, he's just afraid that he might not be man enough of cute enough for such a beautiful and stunning woman like Emily. :D

01-21-2005, 02:15 PM
We still have to find boykitty friends for Maya, and Princess!
And girlkitty friends for Roscoe and Moose! I know as hansband/beautiful as they are their are going to be takers! Please feel free to reply if your kitty wants to be one of the above kitties Valentines!

Catman- They are never too old for LOVE! ;)

I think Maya and Magoo would be cute.

Valentines so far are....
Buddy and Rachel
Puff and Whisper
Hannah and Remus bear
Pervy and Stash

And if Mina wants Squeekers, he is all hers;)


Mina wants Squeekers most definately.