View Full Version : New Blog Site

01-20-2005, 12:44 PM
I did a blog search on google and found this site. You get a free 30 day trial. After that, it's $7 a month. I like it because it seems to be more for adults(no offense to the younguns) It just looks more professional. I'll have to see how I like it. I haven't got anything but one pic up right now. Also, does anyone know how to make a transparent background. I want to have a pic in the background but I want it almost transparent. Here's the address:
Also, is 2 gigs a month good for bandwidth? I don't really know all that much about it but I think it's a huge amount.
I have had an old one on another site but I haven't used it since July and can't remember email address or password.

01-20-2005, 01:12 PM
So far this month I've used 700mgs for my website. That is with posting some offsite images (takes up more bandwidth) plus whatevr myhostees are doing. 2 gigs isn't bad, especially for a blog thingie.

(I could give you a free space though :rolleyes: if you ever want one)

Anyway, it's usually when you get into offsite linking (like if I posted images from my site on this site) that usually gets the bandwidth down, but even then 2 gigs is pretty good.