View Full Version : This has NOT been my month! :( <vent>

Samantha Puppy
01-18-2005, 01:28 PM
Okay. Some of you know that my husband and I haven't been doing too well for the last month or so. We're working on things, but we still have a lot of healing left to do (no, he didn't cheat on me). So that's an ongoing thing in my life.

You may have also read that this weekend, I developed a really nasty UTI/bladder infection. I'm also in the process of getting over it, but I am still feeling the affects of it.

This morning, I got into an accident. My fault. I was on the beltway and there was stop-and-go traffic and I didn't stop fast enough and plowed into her trunk. The hood's crumpled some, but the serious thing I noticed was that it was leaking - readily - from two different places. Even so, I thought it was driveable and made it to work when my husband called me and said that rather than risking things and working all day and trying to come home, he thought that I should come home immediately and get it to a repair shop now... so I left. I made it about 8 miles and smoke began to pour from my engine, so I pulled over. I thought I had Triple A since my card says it expires 5/1/05 but no... they send out new cards in good faith that you'll renew your membership and since that had been something my parents provided for me... I didn't renew it and neither did they. So I had to call my husband and wait about 80 minutes for him to show up with coolant so that we could drop it off at a repair shop. We got about 2 miles down the road when my engine began smoking again so I pulled back over. My husband said there was no way it was driveable and we called a tow truck on HIS Triple A card. The tow truck came 90 minutes later and we had it towed to a place near our home. Meanwhile, the girl I hit wants to get the ball rolling (she drove a 2005 Pontiac GT... I felt horrible) so in addition to worrying about fixing my own car, I also have to worry about fixing hers.


Someone upstairs has been having a blast with me for the last month... I hope they're getting a laugh! I keep telling myself that God never gives you more than you can handle but with all the happenings of the last month, I really don't think I can take much more before I break.

Sorry to whine... I've just been having a really tough time of it lately and I'm at my wit's end.

01-18-2005, 01:31 PM
Sorry your going through all this...just remember cars are fixable...at least you weren't hurt.

Toby's my baby
01-18-2005, 01:50 PM
I am sorry you are going through so many hard things right now :( I feel like my life is a rollercoaster at the moment :o, just remeber, cars can be fixed, bought and sold, lives cannot be... Good luck trying to catch up on healling and repairs! :)

01-18-2005, 02:01 PM
Bad things come in threes..... Your luck will change soon.

I'm just glad you weren't hurt. *HUGS*

01-18-2005, 02:05 PM
I'm sorry Jaime:(

Accidents suck, no matter what--I've had my share, believe me. Thank God you weren't hurt.

I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you, that everything starts to get better.

01-18-2005, 02:16 PM
{{{{HUGS}}}}} I'm sorry 2005 has been so cruel to you so far. Look at it this way: it simply can not get any worse.

Good luck with getig the car fixed. I am a firm believer in 'things happen for a reason'... someday soon you'll see why its been such a hard month.

01-18-2005, 02:18 PM
So you feel better.

My six month period.

9/11, My dad loses his leg and passes away on Halloween,
we bury him the day before my birthday, My brother hits a pedestrian in my truck on my birthday. My girlfriend gets cancer.
I blow up the engine in my truck, and blow up the engine in my mom's car. My brother loses a toe. My SIL's G mother falls.
My GF's son moves in with her, he brings his meth head GF in to take care of her....the kids then make the power move to isolate
her from me.
My girlfriend passes, I find out thru a co-worker because the familyt won't let her take my calls and refuse to let me see her.....
Then the kids plunder her place and the stuff I had there.

I could only laugh after a while-I ran out of tears. :confused:

01-18-2005, 04:47 PM
aww!! Well its good to get the bad stuff behind you for the year so that the rest of the year can be great! and it will be great for you!

01-18-2005, 06:27 PM
Hope things get better! Especially for you and hubby..been there done that!

01-18-2005, 07:46 PM
:( :( Im sorry... I hope things get better for you soon.

01-18-2005, 07:49 PM
I'm really sorry, I know how you feel about the car thing won't even get into that :o... Hope everything starts working out for you.

01-18-2005, 07:51 PM
It's not the ones upstairs that are laughing, it's the idiot downstairs. I'm so sorry everything seems to be going wrong. I hate car accidents. Especially the ones when you're at fault. Cars can be fixed. So, I'm hoping neither of you were hurt. Things should be improving by now. I'll help cheer you up when I'm up there. Maybe we can have some retail therapy! Hope things get better for you soon,

01-18-2005, 08:32 PM
I am so sorry you are going through so much and thank heavens you weren't hurt in the accident(((hugs))) if you ever need to talk feel free to pm me!

Samantha Puppy
01-19-2005, 08:40 AM
Thanks everyone... I know it's important that neither she nor I were hurt, it's just like pouring salt on an open wound after the last month. Ever since mid-December, it just seems like I can't catch a break in ANY aspect of my life. It's getting tough to keep smiling when so much is happening that makes me upset.

We just got a call from the mechanic. Seems my headlight moved back and into the radiator, busting a mount. It'll be $750 to fix MY car. We're still waiting to hear back from the girl I hit to see what her estimates are. *sigh* It wouldn't be so bad spending that money to fix a car if we weren't planning on getting rid of it this summer and getting a new one... it's just hard to know that we *have* to spend this money on a car that we're getting rid of in 6-7 months so it's basically just flushing almost a grand down the toilet.