View Full Version : Is this a puppy thing?

01-17-2005, 10:00 AM
Problem 1: Bull whines so I let him out of the crate so we can go outside. He looks at me and pees on the floor (looking at me the whole time).

Problem 2: He goes potty like 6 times everytime we're outside. Well, either that or none at all.

What do you all think?

01-17-2005, 10:09 AM
I never let Gracie walk out of the crate til she was about 6 months old..I carried her to the door and then let her walk outside..
And you should never let them out of the crate while they are whining..they need to be completely quite first..
Don't know what to say about the other...Gracie never goes more than twice at most...but if its a boy, I think they do that to mark territory..pee a little here and there? My mom's 2 boys do that..they can pee a drop here and there forever..lol

01-17-2005, 10:12 AM
snowy pees up to 12 times a day when she was smaller, but she seems to do it less often now.

01-17-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by GraciesMommy
I never let Gracie walk out of the crate til she was about 6 months old..I carried her to the door and then let her walk outside..

I don't think I'll be able to carry Bull much linger...he's a lab, already weiging in at 8 lbs. Whe he hits 6 months, oh boy!!
I usually only let him come out The crate's not an actual dog one...It was for the chinchilla that I never got, but it works perfectly for the pup. I am going to get a real dog crate ASAP! I'll try to be quicker in catching him. As soon as the door opens he takes off!

01-17-2005, 06:06 PM
Yeah. letting them out of the crate when they bark or whine is just encouraging them to make noise to get out when ever they want. works both ways with puppies and adult dogs.

before you put him in the crate,, make sure he eats,, drinks and goes potty outside. then play with him till hes good and tired and then one last trip outside just incase. then put him in his crate. that way there you know that if he whines or barks in the crate,, hes making racket just to be making racket. ingore it.

if he makes so much racket that you cant stand it,, leave the house as quietly as you can,, and do some reading outside or go on a drive. that way there the dog can make all the racket he deems fit and you wont go insane.

thats how i crate trained my previous Toy Poodle Tasha. Tasha had one of those really high pitched barks that hurt the ears. if i was watching TV at the time i just left the TV on and left the house. might have not been the correct way. but it worked. he learned that he could howll and scream all he wanted,, and he never got his way.

as for the peeing thing. let him out of the crate,, and RUN to the door calling him as you go and clapping your hands. making it fun for him and distract him from his bladder.

01-17-2005, 08:01 PM
The multiple pees are probably marking. Both of my dogs do this (female and male---Yes, the girlies need to mark their territory, too! :p).
As for looking at you while he pees and whining beforehand, I have a sneaking suspicion it may be submissive behavior. I don't have too much info about that, but try Googling "Submissive urinating". It happens oftentimes with puppies. I think most of them grow out of it. Good Luck with your search and I wouldn't hesitate to call the vet either. It could be a UTI. Luck!

01-17-2005, 08:19 PM
thanks everybody! I love how everyone always is here to give advice. I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't found this place! Probably be up to my ears in pee!!!

01-17-2005, 08:22 PM
well you know,puppies dont have very big bladders,especially young ones,so they have to go pee alot:p :D My new pup Lucy,she is only 3 months old,and we have to take her outside alot!

01-17-2005, 08:32 PM
Lucy is that big at 3 months? Maybe she just looks big to me...wow I thought she was older!

Aspen and Misty
01-17-2005, 09:17 PM
Does your cage have a solid bottom or a wire bottom?


01-17-2005, 09:21 PM
to ash- i just bought a new one tonight...with a solid floor. the previous one had wire but i had a fleece pad on top of it. but i heard pup's can choke on those...so i'll be getting a nylon covered bed to go in the new crate!:)

01-17-2005, 09:28 PM
Haha well I still lift and hold Major (and one time had to carry him home, thats another story in itself LOL) and he's way past 6 months:D

And he ALWAYS went to the bathroom lol. I remember one day we were outside in the summer painting the fence for quite a while, it was a long day, and he went 12 times. Of course he was drinking lots of water, but 12 times in a matter of hours? I always thought he went alot. Haha he still does go quite a bit but he doesn't mark territory.