View Full Version : Opinions Needed

01-16-2005, 01:54 AM
I need your opinions on the following letter I'm sending to my former employer on behalf of another former employee.

I terminated my employment with a vet clinic I worked for for almost a year and a half in October after witnessing animal neglect, boarderline abuse and being made to feel uneducated almost every second I was employed. When I was sick at home with my Crohn's (I DRAGGED my butt in there on days when I KNEW my doctor would have killed me for...and only called in sick when I was admitted to the hospital.) I was "lying" and out doing other things.

My vet left two months later, and then my close friend gave notice the Monday after Christmas. (all for the same reasons...believe me, PETA would have a field day in there!! :mad: :( )

I asked my friend that had given notice to get me a copy of my vaccine records for my cats because I thought one or two of them were due, but wont ever take them back to that godawful place. She was copying her own chart, along with my vaccine records when the sociopathic (<----I'm NOT exagerating...I'm a psych student and she literally fits the mold!! :eek: ) office manager came in and yelled at her. She said she was copying records without permission and made the head tech send her home. My friend was then under the impression that she was fired.

This week, she recieved a letter from one of the doctors (who is really nice, not all there, but SCARY when you cross him...wierd combo, I know...) telling her she was horribly unethical for copying records that belonged to the clinic and for not showing up to her shift the following day!!! This place is the type of place that harrass the good, competant employees with excellent work ethic until they feel like they are the worst employee ever!! The employees that do nothing, show up late, drunk or not at all are considered smart, ethical and an example. These are usually young, uneducated kids...who honestly don't like animals or working.

Anyway, I told Katy I wanted to clear her name. So I wrote a letter that I need your opinions on. I'll post it next...

01-16-2005, 02:02 AM
Dr. Martin,

This is in regards to the attached letter you sent your former employee, Katy Kirkner, after her dramatic termination from Midtown Veterinary Clinic in December 2004.

I felt some responsibility for what occurred, so I feel it necessary to respond.

I want to acknowledge that I requested the vaccine records on the cats that I brought to your clinic for the past year and a half. When I worked as a receptionist in your practice, I was taught that if a client requested only a vaccine history, it was perfectly acceptable to give them a printed or verbal report, without a formal request.

You are free to look through my records. You will see that at least two of my cats are due for their vaccines. I thought it entirely reasonable to ask an employee to copy them for me when I spoke with her the evening prior. I’m sorry this caused such an unnecessary incident.

While it may be none of my business, I do feel that when someone sits by and watches an injustice, they too, are at fault. I was stunned at your opinion of Katy and her ethics. Katy is one, out of two employees, that Midtown had that was even remotely trained for the job she was doing. I stopped bringing my cats to your clinic as soon as the capable employees began to leave. While you’re doling out ethical advice and preaching that “your patients come first” and that they “are most important”, looking at Midtown’s hiring, employee policies, and above all, the treatment of its patients, should be of top priority to you.

I am truly surprised that you misunderstood the situation as well as what goes in at the clinic. You worked very hard all those years to make Midtown like something out of a “James Harriot” book, but with the current lack of competency and concern in every aspect of the clinic, I feel your time spent will be in vain.

I chose to terminate my employment for the very same reasons Katy has listed in her response to you. When one thinks of working in a veterinary setting, caring, concern, cleanliness and above all, ethics, comes to mind. I’m disappointed to say that nearly none of those principals were seen by me. The “deal breaker” came when I witnessed Dr. Thomas demonstrate to one of the employees in the back how to “dominate a Chihuahua”. That act alone was enough to send me searching for a new job. While every job has its highs and lows, neglect and cruelty are never something to compromise over.

If you ask almost all the employees that have ended their employment at Midtown in the last year and a half, you’ll find this an exceedingly common reason.

While I’m not confident this letter will change anything at Midtown, I felt it necessary to clear Katy’s name as much as I could. I would trust ANY of my cats to Katy’s judgment. That says a lot for me.

Please accept this as my formal request to have all of my records copied and forwarded to Central Avenue Animal Clinic, 167 N Aviador Street, Building A, Camarillo, CA 93010.



My concerns:

*The scary office manager knows where I live as she used to live in the same complex. I'm afraid she'll tell on us regarding the number of cats we have. I don't know if adding my opinions will make her mad...she WILL read this...enough to want revenge.

Other idea:

*My friend Katy has a brother that works at a very high profile law firm. Instead of putting the new vet clinic's name and address, I'd like to put the law firm's information instead, with her brother's consent, of course. I think this might "scare" them enough to leave me and my cats alone and to promptly send my records.

What do you think???

01-16-2005, 06:23 AM
If you can get permission to use the lawyers addy, I would sure add it..just for precaution for them to know you are not playing and so they better not either!!
I think it is a well written letter...and I dont blame you for leaving!

01-16-2005, 06:31 AM
I think putting the law firm's name and address at the letter would be much better. Also, you've got something important you must do now. With your knowlege, you must report the abuse and horrible things going on there. The other clients, future clients and most importantly, the animals, must be helped. He should be put out of business. Sounds like a horrible place to work. And yes, if it were me, I can truly say I would report the abuse and do everything I could to prevent any futher bad things for happening.

01-16-2005, 07:24 AM
I agree with Valerie. I would use the law firms address and report the clinic.

01-16-2005, 09:15 AM
OI think the law firm's letter head is fantastic... perhaps he'll let you re-word it to sound as if its coming from him as well? Or maybe he'd be willing to write from your perspective? Anybody receiving a letter from a lawyer would immediately pay attention.

I think the letter is written beuatifully.

Aspen and Misty
01-16-2005, 01:17 PM
I agree, it isn't fair to future customers and there pets not to report them.

Your letter is very well written, I also like the idea of having your records sent to the Lawers addy.


01-16-2005, 01:32 PM
i agree to use the law firms address. hopefully requesting the records be sent there will scare them...not only into leaving you and your kitties alone, but also th change their ways. i would also report the incidents of the dominating the chichaua (sp?) and the other horrible acts you and others witnessed to not only the police but also to your local animal protection society!

01-16-2005, 01:38 PM
Thanks for the input, guys!

I was checking out the PETA website and was contemplating sending their media department an email.

Contacting the local animal control is a good idea too. Thanks! :)

01-16-2005, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
While every job has its highs and lows, neglect and cruelty are never something to compromise over.



On a grammatical note, I think this sentence should read:

"While every job has its highs and lows, neglect and cruelty are never something over which to compromise."

Other than that, looks good :)

01-16-2005, 07:16 PM
Thanks! :)