View Full Version : Soon to be foster mom

01-13-2005, 05:53 PM
Hiya guys/ladies ;) , I see so many of you that are fosters. So when I got back from Florida for Christmas I signed up at a few places. I got a call today to foster two adult cats, for a lady that has to go into rehab for two months. They are brother and sister, already "fixed" and de-clawed. They are long haired I don't know much more than that. She will be calling me tomorrow afternoon to bring them over to me.

I guess I'm a lil nervous cause I love my little Dasha a whole lot and don't want to upset her. While we were home she loved my Mom and Dad's cat Lucy whos almost 2 years. Lucy did not like her much though, guess cause Dasha was in "her" house. I'm just looking for a little support with going through it, I suppose. I'm so happy to be doing it I can't explain it but, nervous too!

I felt I had to do it after taking in the two I found to the SPCA, but could not keep in Dec because I was going home.

Sorry for the long post! :rolleyes:

01-13-2005, 06:07 PM
Congrats on your first fosters! You just have to go about introducing your cat to the fosters the same way you would if you were introducing a new forever cat to the home. Keep them separate for the first night. Introduce them slowly. Some cats accept the new cats readily, others do not. Expect a lot of hissing and growling. Swatting too. :D

Allen accepts a new foster pretty much right away. Pouncer is a whole 'nother story :rolleyes: so I only foster occasionally. Abby does not like female fosters, but ends up getting along after a week or so. Harry loves everyone right away.

Good luck, let us know how the ntroductions go.

PS: that wasn't a long post! Not at all! You shold see some of the novels I write! :D

01-13-2005, 06:54 PM
I could never foster because I know I would end up keeping them and besides, my husband threatened me with divorce if I brought another cat home. :rolleyes:

01-13-2005, 07:19 PM
Congratulations on fostering. I LOVE it!! I wish I would have started sooner. I can't get enough (HA! I guess that is why I have 10 fosters most of the time)

Make sure you have a seperate room made up for the new cats. They will be lost, confused and scared. they need time to deal with the new home and the new people caretkers before they should also have to deal with new cats. Food, water, litter, toys and comfy places to sleep, is all they need, that and a lot of love and patience.

Good luck! Have fun. :D:D

01-13-2005, 10:50 PM
Our policy with Siamese Rescue is keep them isolated for much more than one night. :eek: We keep them apart for 7-10 days.
There are very good reasons for this. First of all, transmission of disease.
And, longer isolation will make it easier on your resident cat.

Please, don't let any fosters in your home that have not tested NEG/NEG on the FeLV/FIV test and have the proof.

Cats coming from shelters are more often than not to have a URI. This takes a few days to manifest. Slowly, over the first 3-5 days, they start sneezing. :(

For the protection of your own cat, please consider isolation. They will get used to their room and not be overwhelmed with a new house, people and other pets.

I love fostering, it's an emotional ride.:)

01-13-2005, 11:20 PM
I will be keeping the in thier own room and let them sniff and do other things. They are clean for everything. They are not coming from a shelter but a home. The lady had something happen to her for her to be in rehad. The lady (her aunt) is bring them to me with thier things (litter box, water fountian thingy *lol*..and ones fav basket to sleep in and brushes) I will keep them while she is in rehab. They have vet records and everything. So I'm pretty much a um "catsitter" ;)

I live in a one bedroom appartment. So the keeping them apart for about a week maybe kinda hard but I'll make sure they like eachother before letting them be around eachother a lot, and they will not be left alone together. But they are vet checked and healthy and come from a VERY loving home. She said them male one is about 10 pounds of more *lol*

Tomorrow if it works out getting them here and they are doing good I'll get you guys some pics!

Thanks for all the help so far. I'm sure I'll have more to add!

01-14-2005, 11:35 AM
The Found Cats,support you 155%,and know,that those fosters,are going,to such a Great Place,and that you can get them,that Furr Ever Home!

01-14-2005, 07:00 PM
We I got the two kitties in this afternoon. They are settled and are pretty much fine and calm. However miss Dasha does not like this much at all. As long as they stay in thier room shes fine like there not there. I left the door cracked cause one wanted to look around and she was hissing and growing and being all kinds of mean and so the other cat started doing it aswell.

I'm so stressed already! lol.... don't like upsetting my baby!