View Full Version : I found a Happy sibling!

01-06-2005, 01:46 PM
lol I never thought I would find Sky through the internet lol I know most of the dogs fromj the litter, including 2 of the 3 blue merles in the litter, Sky is the 3rd the only one I did not know. so she is going to send me some pics of Happys sister :D cant wait to see what she looks like now :p

01-06-2005, 01:52 PM
That is soooo cool... Iwish I could find the siblings of my dogs. The BYB of Mercedes said she was going to do a reunion picnic with all the pups in a year, but she never called it would have been great though... It was a good idea!:) Maybe if she lives clos eyou could meet her... Ask her to join PT hehehe

01-06-2005, 02:49 PM
Thats awesome! I would like to see Buster and CoCo's sibling. I hear about how the family spoils him all the time, but yet seen a picture of him. When he was a puppy he looked just like Muffin.
Thats great though of you to find the sibling!

01-06-2005, 03:59 PM
hmmm Sky is a lot like Happy, but Sky has been epleptic since she was 10 weeks old and both happys breeder and the sires breeder have been giving her the run around which to be honest does not suprise me in the slightlest. attached is one of the pics of Sky she sent me :)

01-06-2005, 04:06 PM
Just look at those ears! What a gorgeous dog.

01-06-2005, 04:09 PM
aww! She is so cute. I love her eyes!

01-06-2005, 11:03 PM
hmm and more lies lol Cajun(the sire) in totally blind in one eye, apperently the breeder told her the "rumors" are not true and that Cajun is NOT blind at all, and is perfectly fine. :eek: