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View Full Version : Schenka

02-20-2001, 06:47 AM
Schenka, I feel honoured to be the first to congratulate you on becoming Dog of the Day. Your name suits you perfectly...you truly are a gift. I admire the work you do in counselling & in classrooms. If there's such a thing as a Community Service medal for dogs, you should be awarded it. I'm passing on your wonderful story to a friend who trains school guidance counsellors. She's often told them how pets can be a great resource for counsellors in their work. Now she'll have your great example to show them. So you'll be famous in far-off australia! Have a happy day & celebrate with lots of treats.

02-20-2001, 08:31 AM
What pretty eyes you have Schenka. They are mesmerizing. I keep wanting to look at your picture again and again. Most every dog wants to be useful and you have found your very special niche. I know you must be a most happy and contented little girl, and now Dog of the Day. What more could a doggie want....oh, another treat perhaps.
Congratulations, Schenka!

02-20-2001, 09:43 AM
What a special girl you are!!!! And beautiful, too!!!

02-20-2001, 11:54 AM
Oh Schenka! Such wisdom and beauty in those eyes! If the eyes are the window to the soul, then your's is certainly one overflowing with compassion and understanding. You could not have been given a more fitting name. What a gift you are to all us troubled humans! You instinctively sense the need of all living things for unconditional love, and happily share so generously your comforting spirit. What a hero you are! You embody all that makes me proud to say I am a dog lover! Congratulations beautiful Schenka, our very special Dog of the Day. And I wish you all the best as you carry on with your awesome respnsibility of teaching others how to trust and love again. I'm so proud to have met you!

02-20-2001, 03:41 PM
Shenka, what a wonderful gift you are and you are passing on the gift of love to all those boys and girls. Congradulations on being the most compassionate, loving, best gift anyone could have, beautiful Dog of the Day.