View Full Version : Tail Problemo!

01-05-2005, 08:13 PM
Lexi has all of a sudden, not let us touch her tail! But she chases it and bites it all she wants still! We were just sitting there and she came up to us and sat down, we were stroking her as usual and then we just like stroked her tail a bit and she growled, bared her teeth and attempted to snap!

Its kind of a different habit for her to do that! But then after feeling for any mispplaced bones or a lump or a cut she went on chasing her tail! I don't know whats going on!

We touched it again, no growling or snapping but just big pearly whites! :D

Does anybody have any clues as of what could be going on! :confused:

01-06-2005, 02:27 AM
is Lexi on flea/tick prevention? she could have fleas, or some other parasite that's causing her to chew on her tail. Tail chewing can also be caused by anxiety or boredom. If she starts to mutilate her tail, definately take her to your vet! you might want to give your vet a call anyway... if she is snapping at you, she could be in pain :(

01-06-2005, 06:46 AM
The pain was what I was afraid of...she is on flea/tick protection!
She chases her tail not really attacking it, just like she wantsto have fun....she destroys all of her toys so that is her last resort, LOL!

Thanks so much!:D