View Full Version : My poor sore baby boy Georgie :-(

01-04-2005, 02:53 PM
I just got him home, and he's in such awful pain despite the pain injection. And he's quite bloody. :( I set him up in a tiny cage to limit his mobility for a few days, but enough so he has a small litterpan and his food. I stuck a nice thick lambyskin (fake) pad under him, along with a heating pad. The vet wasn't there when I went to pick Georgie up, and as usual everyone who works there weren't able to answer many of my questions. Basically Georgie became a guinea pig today. Dr. Dunn isn't even sure that the surgery will help him, but it'll be a wait and see thing. :( He didn't charge for the surgery itself, only the X-rays and neutering and pain injection. So it was fairly reasonable considering. We need lots of prayers that Georgie will overcome the pain fast, and be able to start his P.T soon. I want to hold him and hug him so badly, but he's still quite out of it, but coming to, and hurting. :( I hope this wasn't all for nothing. I am praying he won't be in agony in a day or two. :(

01-04-2005, 03:17 PM
Oh the poor poor darling. I truly hope he didn't go through this in vain!! He will be in my thoughts and prayers.

01-04-2005, 03:23 PM
Poor Georgie, I do hope he is feeling better soon. Fingers crossed for him.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-04-2005, 03:34 PM
Oh poor baby. I sure hope the pain meds work for him and he's feeling better soon.

Prairie Purrs
01-04-2005, 03:58 PM
Poor sweetie! I hope the pain goes away soon and the surgery helps. We're all rooting for you, little guy!

01-04-2005, 04:10 PM
I can't even go near the cage he's in. His cries are breaking my heart. :( Hubby's leaving for Oklahoma on Thurs. so I'll move Georgie into the bedroom when he leaves. I don't care if he cries all night, at least he'll have a bit more comfort of more familiar surroundings. I can't risk letting him near the stairs (that he had mastered prior to sugery). My poor baby boy's a hurting eunuch!:rolleyes: :(

01-04-2005, 04:21 PM
How agonizing to watch your cat in pain. I hope he feels better soon and that the surgery helps.

Queen of Poop
01-04-2005, 04:24 PM
I can imagine the distress you are both feeling. Hopefully the pain subsides quickly and you can both get back to normal. Prayers for quick healing coming your way.

01-04-2005, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
My poor baby boy's a hurting eunuch!:rolleyes: :(


Women, no passion at all....:p

01-04-2005, 04:38 PM
Surely they gave you some pain medication to give him over the next few days?

I'm sorry to sound abrupt, but I would not have left that office without speaking to someone who could tell me exactly what was done to Georgie, and what to expect over the next few days. That's what being a nurse for 40+ years has done to me. I won't leave without answers.

Please give gentle kisses to Georgie.

01-04-2005, 05:10 PM
Jan did they give him any pain meds? If not you might try giving him a bit of aspirin. I know I'm talking to an expert here but just in case you didn't know. Our vet told us we can use about a 1/4 of an aspirin every other day for cats. I've done it many times and no harm. I found the best way to give it to them is to crush it and mix it in a tiny bit of water and then pull that into a syringe. It's breaking my heart just thinking about the pain he must be in and no meds. So many vets won't give pain meds but since he had more than the nueter then I think they should have given him something. Bless his heart. I'm praying for you and for him. I know it has to be awful for you to watch.:(

Laura's Babies
01-04-2005, 05:10 PM
Get well wishes for Georgie, gentle smoochies on top of his head from me.

I called and made a donation towards his bill today to help my little love out so he can someday walk and run like a normal kitty .... or as normal as he can.. I just hope all this does some good for the little sweetie!

01-04-2005, 05:15 PM
An article I found online about "swimmer kittens". :( Georgie could have been helped so many months ago if I had him when he was born. Instead the woman sat back, drinking, going to biker conventions etc. watching Georgie drag himself around. :mad: The vet wants to see him again in the morning, so I'm dropping him off again...poor baby. :(

01-04-2005, 07:16 PM
Oh gosh Jan, I can hardly type to see through my tears.

Poor, poor sweet baby Georgie. I hate the thought that he became a guinea pig today.

Dear lord, please don't let Georgie suffer too much with pain.

I hope and pray that he will be feeling better tomorrow.

Sweet gentle hugs to you little one.

(((((HUGS))))) for you Jan, as my heart goes out to you having to see him like this.

Lets all pray that this was not all in vain.

Please keep us updated on his situation.

01-04-2005, 07:18 PM
I hope georgie gets some relief from his pain and that his surgery helps improve his life. I am such a sucker for the special needs babies! that is why most of mine are with me, they are the ones no one else wanted.

01-04-2005, 07:37 PM
Jan I read that article that you posted and I was shocked at how fast that kittens legs mended. How very sad that poor Georgie didn't get help early on. I would like to go slap that woman!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
I wonder if it's possible that those hobbles would help Georgie at all now?

01-04-2005, 07:38 PM
Thinking of Georgie and praying for calm, quiet moments without pain.

Bless you.

01-04-2005, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Jan I read that article that you posted and I was shocked at how fast that kittens legs mended. How very sad that poor Georgie didn't get help early on. I would like to go slap that woman!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
I wonder if it's possible that those hobbles would help Georgie at all now?
Lisa, I think it's a bit late for hobbles now (which Steven King story was that from?...I hear hobbles, and think of James Caan, and his tormentor). I'm going to ask the vet about splinting them. Georgie's legs went inward, whereas the kitten I posted the link about splayed out. Basically all boils down to the same thing, that the sweet boy could have been fine if he was taken to the vets when he was born! :mad: I had to come upstairs to get away from his wailing. :( He wants to get out of that cage, but I can't let him. He's covered completely, but when he repositions himself, he hurts so bad. :( It's going to be a tough few days coming up. :(

Laura's Babies
01-04-2005, 10:58 PM
Night Georgie, may you sleep without pain tonight and feel better tomorrow. Gentle kiss on your head, right between the ears. Night baby boy.... Lulla Bye and good night.

01-04-2005, 11:22 PM
Aww, poor little Georgie :( We are sending him our very best wishes and lotsa purrs for a speedy recovery.

I hope he feels better soon!!!

01-05-2005, 05:49 AM
I was up early to check on Georgie Porgie Pudding Pie (Kissed the girls and made them cry) and he seems in better spirits this morning! He was purring away! :) I gently pulled him out of his cage, and man those legs are dangling now! Crooked, but all wiggly everywhere. :eek: I didn't dare let him down for more than a few minutes though. Floor's in need of a good washing (thanks to two large dogs that want in & out every five minutes :rolleyes: ) and I don't need him getting his incisions contaminated. :eek: I'm packing him up again soon, as Dr. Dunn wants to take another peek at him today. Maybe he's got some other brainstorm? :confused: Maybe he just wants to gaze at loving little Georgie! :confused: :D

01-05-2005, 06:06 AM
Jan, how did he do when you put him down for a minute? Could you see any difference? Probably not I guess, it is way to soon. I'm glad he seems to be feeling a bit better this morning. My heart was breaking last night just thinking about how bad he was hurting.
I'll be lurking from work today to see if the doc comes up with any new ideas.
Please Jan if he wants to do something else to poor Georgie make him give you some meds for pain. That is just too much surgery for him to have suffer through with no meds.

Kissies to the sweet boy and I can't wait for more pictures of the sweet little guy. I'm praying that this has helped him some.

Laura's Babies
01-05-2005, 06:10 AM
Awe! I sure hope he is better this morning this morning.. Thanks for posting a update so early. I was so worried when I went to bed last night and he was my first thought when I woke up this morning.. If you were able to handle him and he was purring... I feel better. Just know he will continue to be in my prayers this morning and while I am gone... PLEASE give his gentle kisses for me.

01-05-2005, 06:33 AM
Man this liitle guy has such a set of lungs on him! Lisa, It was hard to tell if the surgery accomplished much, but it's up to the two of us to try to make it work. I don't dare start any pysical therapy with him until he's recovered for another day anyway. When I plunked him on the floor, his legs dragged behind as usual. The muscles have atrophied from not being used. :( Time will tell, but he seems a lot more alert and comfortable this morning. :) Laura, Kisses will be delivered daily as scheduled! :D I can't resist kissing Georgie anyway lol!

01-05-2005, 07:29 AM
Oh Jan my heart is aching for you and Georgie. Kisses to Mr. Georgie Pie and {{{hugs}}} to you. Please keep us posted.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-05-2005, 09:02 AM
I'm so glad to hear a good report on sweet Georgie Porgie. :D

I'm not surprised his legs just dragged behind as usual when you set him down. He has to learn that they can move in different ways now, and like you say, the muscles have to learn that too. However, after seeing Birdie's recovery with the muscles in his mouth, I'm certain that Georgie Porgie will be walking around in no time. Maybe not like all other kitties, but at least better than he has been.

Good luck at the vet today. I'm just so glad he's feeling more comfortable and is not in as much pain. :D

01-05-2005, 12:00 PM
Oh poor Georgie.:( :( I couldn't stand to hear him in so much pain. I'm glad he is some better today. I hope the vet has something good to share today.

Hugs and smooches to sweet Georgie.

01-05-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Lisa, I think it's a bit late for hobbles now (which Steven King story was that from?...I hear hobbles, and think of James Caan, and his tormentor).

Misery was the story, which is what I know you must be feeling right now watching your little precious one suffer. Remember though, he's hurting some now so that the rest of his life might be a little better. I know that doesn't help much when he cries, and I know he doesn't understand what's happening, but just give him extra kisses and scritches and let him know you love him bunches.

And don't forget that God loves little kittes too, and I'm sure he's got a special plan up his sleeve for our sweet Georgie Boy.

01-05-2005, 02:43 PM
Lots of love and kisses for Georgie.

01-05-2005, 03:15 PM
Remember these days.....

I get the feeling that things are gonna work out wonderfully.:D

01-05-2005, 05:44 PM
I am glad that georgie is a little more comfortable than he was yesterday. I am sending all my love and prayers to him.

01-05-2005, 05:55 PM
Poor baby had PT at the vets today, and gave them quite a terrible fight to the point they needed gloves! :eek: :eek: I can't blame him, he's miserable and in pain after having his freshly operated on legs yanked around. They want him back again tomorrow...but of course no one's around to show ME how to do it. :rolleyes: Dr. Dunn's the head vet, comes in, does surgeries, and then pretty much goes home at noontime. I was really hoping to at least speak with him. I've got too much doing tomorrow to drag the poor kitten back in for more PT. *sigh* He's back to purring being home where he belongs. :)

K & L
01-05-2005, 06:20 PM
I missed Georgie's story, but happy to hear all is going well for the little guy.

01-05-2005, 06:35 PM
OMG Poor Georgie.I really hope all this was worth it.Too bad they didn't give you pain meds to bring home with you.He really needed them.I feel so bad right now.Mike too.I hope he gets better quick.Remember,if you need an empty room for him,I have the spare bedroom you can borrow for him.But I'm sure you'll want him with you and probably in a cage until he's better.I just hope this surgery helped him.Prayers and good vibes coming his way from us.I know how much you love this little guy.

01-05-2005, 06:46 PM
Oh my! I'm so sorry I missed this thread. :(

Poor Georgie and poor you! This sounds heartwrenching for the both of you. :(

I'm hoping and praying for sweet Georgie that this surgery worked and he'll be learning how to walk soon.

Kisses and gentle hugs to you both. :)

01-05-2005, 08:50 PM
Oh gosh Jan, I have the shivers just thinking of the pain that poor Georgie must be going through with his PT.
Poor sweet baby just doesn't understand what is happening with him. I hope and pray that this is all worth it.

Gentle hugs and kisses for you sweet boy.

More (((((HUGS))))) on the way for you Jan.

01-08-2005, 09:26 PM
I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for more news on Georgie...how's he doing now?

01-09-2005, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by Shady
I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for more news on Georgie...how's he doing now?
He's still in a great deal of pain, but is coping best he can. I am running him off to the vets in the A.M again, as one of his hind legs is swollen. I think that's why he's so mirerable right now. I hope doc will give him an antibiotic shot as the Clavamox isn't kicking it. *sigh* Physical therapy has been delayed for a few days.:rolleyes:

01-09-2005, 09:22 AM
Poor little guy. I hope the swelling is nothing serious.

01-09-2005, 09:37 AM
Poor wee thing..that does sound like a raging infection.

I had trouble with Clavamox as well it didnt cut it, and upset her stomach badly, so bad she couldnt keep anything even water down. As soon as they switched her to the shots of another kind, marked improvement.

I do realize that a sick baby can take up alot of your time and resources, physically and emotionally, thank you very much for taking the time for the update. I cant stop thinking about the little guy.

C'mon Georgie, get better! :)

01-09-2005, 11:14 AM
Poor poor Georgie; I'm so sorry I've missed the entire story about your surgery.

I'm very sorry to hear you're still so much in pain, but from what your mommy is telling us, you must be such a brave little boy!

I wish you a speedy recovery, and I hope the swelling is nothing serious. Feel better soon!!

Kirsten & the girls

01-09-2005, 11:27 AM
Hang in there Jan.Goergie will feel better soon.

Prairie Purrs
01-09-2005, 12:26 PM
Oh, poor sweet fella! I hope the vet gives him something to take care of that swelling and pain. Feel better soon, Georgie boy!

01-09-2005, 02:06 PM
Georgie's getting plenty of kisses to make him feel better. I'm gently trying to keep his limbs moving, but am concentrating more on his non-swollen leg right now. He sure has a great personality in order to deal with all this. Purrs all night with his little e-collar pushed against my face so I can kiss him lol! :) :) Poor baby...this morning I must have been deep asleep and didn't know he wanted to get off the bed. He jumped, and landed on the floor instead of the crash pads. I woke fast when he was crying from hitting hard. :( He wanted some food, and dragged himself to the food dish, and angrily chomped on food, growling the whole time. :(

01-09-2005, 02:10 PM
QSA, bless your heart for being such a wonderful caregiver to all your pets and rescued cats. Georgie is beautiful and I pray that everything will go smoothly with his healing. I know it is hard right now, but hopefully he will progress quickly to having those lil' limbs work properly. Give him some nose kisses for me!

01-09-2005, 02:45 PM
QSL - didn't the Vet give you any sort of pain medication for him. Our Vet gives us something for any type of surgery or dental work he does.

01-09-2005, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Grace
QSL - didn't the Vet give you any sort of pain medication for him. Our Vet gives us something for any type of surgery or dental work he does.
No he didn't, and I requested it the day of surgery. :( PT may be much easier without him being in constant pain if his legs are moved. :rolleyes:

01-09-2005, 02:56 PM
PT certainly would be easier on Georgie, and you, if he wasn't in such pain,

I don't know the reasoning behind the Vet's decision, but, personally, I think it is cruel. That poor cat.

I think that all doctors should have to experience surgery before going into practice. Would do their patients a world of good.

01-10-2005, 10:38 AM
I am sorry I hadn't read this thread before. What an ordeal little Georgie and you are going through. I keep my fingers crossed for him. He deserves a happy life.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-10-2005, 10:44 AM
Awww....poor sweet little Georgie boy. I'm sorry you're still in so much pain sweetie. :(

01-10-2005, 11:25 AM
I was so hoping for better news than this.
Poor sweet little Georgie. Poor you Jan for having to see him in such pain.
For the life of me I cannot understand why the vet will not give him pain medication.:mad:

Do you know what is causing the swelling of his leg?

Prayers continuing that Georgie feels better real soon and all this pain, poking and probbing will be a thing of the past.

01-10-2005, 12:07 PM
The swelling has subsided substaintially over the last few days, so I didn't bring him back to be tortured at the vets. I'm feeling crummy anyway. I gave Georgie half a baby aspirin, and it helped him a lot! ;) I'm crawling back to bed for a while to snuggle with Georgie etc. Ughh....will someone come do the potties? :confused:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-10-2005, 12:32 PM
Wish I could be right over to help, Jan. So glad to hear Georgie is feeling better. Happy snuggles! :)