View Full Version : Well, Where Do I Start? *Pics*

01-04-2005, 02:26 PM
I'm not sure where to start!:p

I guess, if you missed my thread in General, I'm back. It's good to be back but it feels weird since there are so many new people I don't know.

I can't even remember everything I was going to say.
My short stories and pictures will most likely be in a mixed up random order, but I'll try my best to not make it too confusing.

I suppose I'll try to make a timeline thing...

At the beginning of November we went to St. Louis to visit my grandma. Major stayed at my dad's friend's farm. The first 5 days we were gone, I was ok and hoping he was having a fun time. But the last 5 days, I wanted to see him so bad and suddenly became worried about him. I had all of these bad pictures in my mind and I was having bad dreams. I really missed him and I wanted his squirmy body on my lap again.

Well the day we got home, my dad and I drove out to the farm. I was soooo excited. My dad stopped the truck and Major was laying on the deck. He looked up, I opened the door and we started running to eachother. I was sooo happy I was crying. He seemed awfully excited, not to mention big! Ohh it was so good to see him again!

I'm afraid the people fed him a LOT more then they should have, and a lot of things that they shouldn't have. I was just happy he was safe though.

A couple weeks later, we put a door on his house. It was funny watching him go in and out.

During December, we moved his house about 15 or so feet away from where it was. We put it up against the house, so it was near the outlet on the side of our house. We then put a heater in there and plugged it in for him. He did not like it and refused to go in his house. He would go get treats if I threw them in there, and he layed down in there while I was petting him, but other than that he wouldn't go in there. He wouldn't sleep in there. I think he was scared of the heater. So...we turned it off in the morning and kept it off all day. At night time, he still wouldn't sleep in there. So, we took the heater out and moved the house back to where it was before. We were relieved to see him sleeping in it.

After that we put a lightbulb in there, and luckily he doesn't mind it at all. It stays on all the time so its a lot warmer in there. :)

One day it was funny because Thomas, my brother, came home and he came downstairs. He said "Where's Major?" And I said "What do you mean, where's Major???" He's like "He wasn't out there" and I said "So...you didn't see him at ALL?" And Thomas said "No".

I got really worried and ran upstairs. I opened the door, walked out, sure enough, no sign of Major. I called "Major!" and there he comes out of his house! I was surprised, because he always has to greet people from the gate or door:p

On December 20th or so, my brother and sister were leaving for school. Major weasled his way into the door. They had to go catch the bus so I was just like "Just close the door!" (It was cold)

So Major was sitting on the brown rug in the porch by the door for a couple minutes.:) And thats how it began.

Now, Major is allowed to come in the porch, for a little while. I am always there when he is though. He hasn't had an accident. Usually he gets to come in for around an hour and a half a day, split up into a few different times. He is not allowed anywhere past the kitchen, and really, he isn't allowed that far into the kitchen. Just a few feet;)

I think this is a huge improvement/breakthrough, whatever you want to call it.

I don't think he'll be coming in any other rooms ANY time soon, so I'm trying not to get my hope up.. I'm actually quite happy with what I've been privileged so far. I think it must have been the holiday season;) :p

Well, I THINK that's all there is to say.

I realize this is quite long, but I just thought I'd let you all know whats up with Major.

I have a lot of pictures which I'm going to put next, but they are all pretty small.

01-04-2005, 02:31 PM
Playing fetch, around the middle of November I think.

Haha I love this one.




His door :)


A little bit of snow.



I just wanted to show how little he used to be.


01-04-2005, 02:33 PM
The snow we have now



On one of our walks.




His house:rolleyes:



01-04-2005, 02:34 PM


And with his new trick, which he is still in the process of perfecting.


And these are all from today.








And, I think thats all!

01-04-2005, 02:44 PM
Awwww, Major! :D It's so good to see him again! I'm glad your parents have been a little more flexible with him.

His face really reminds me of Daisy's.. so expressive. Must be the Golden in him. ;)

How much does he weigh now? He's so big and gorgeous, I just love him. :D

Great pictures!

01-04-2005, 02:48 PM
Major is adorable :D Is he a golden or a Lab?

01-04-2005, 02:57 PM
Wow, he's really grown! I'm glad he's doing so well. Love the pictures - he is soooooo cute!

01-04-2005, 03:51 PM
Oh wow, so nice to see you Maria, as well as sweet Major. I'm thrilled for you that things are going well and that little steps have been made to make him able to be with you more. The pictures are wonderful! He REALLY looks like a golden/lab cross to me now, and I'm sure that thicker coat has made him warmer too. I just love his bushy tail :D

So glad you are back. I look very forward to seeing and hearing about Major again!

01-04-2005, 04:21 PM
Major is a really pretty dog! Great pictures, I really enjoyed them. He is such a cutie! I am wondering how you took the last couple, they look different then the rest, I really like them! Thanks so much for sharing!

01-04-2005, 04:51 PM
Oh those are wonderful pics. That Major is just too adorable!


01-04-2005, 05:25 PM
It is so good to hear about and see Major again.:) He is
just the most handsome doggie. I love his sweet expressions.
Great news about his coming inside, even for a little while.:)

I love all his pictures, he sure has grown into a beautiful pup.:D

01-04-2005, 05:33 PM
It's great to have you back, and new pictures of Major. ;) Major is one handsome doggy. I love his expressions. I think I like this picture the best. :)

01-04-2005, 06:07 PM
Glad you and Major are back and also glad to hear he can be on the porch! Love the pictures - he sure has grown!

01-04-2005, 06:17 PM
I have never seen Major before but look at how he was a puppy until now he's gorgeous and started out gorgeous what a handsome boy you have :D


01-04-2005, 07:07 PM
Aw!! Its so great to see pics again of that BIG sweet boy! And has he ever gotten BIG and so so handsome! Just look at that cute little pink tongue! :D


01-04-2005, 07:54 PM
Great story, Maria. I'm so glad Major is doing so well, and that he seems to be getting more accepted in your house. I know that makes you very happy!

Best wishes, for you and for Major!

Dot :-)

01-04-2005, 08:06 PM
Major sure has grown up fast:) I'm glad to hear you are both doing well.:)

01-04-2005, 08:44 PM
I am so glad to hear from you! Major is growing up so fast. I love the one of him running. And the one peeking in the window is so cute. I'm glad there have been improvements in his living conditions. I attempted to send you a Christmas card but it was sent back because I didn't have it addressed correctly. I'll put it in another envelope so you can see what it said. Sorry you didn't get it when you were supposed to. Major is one of my many favorite dogs here so I was very happy to see all those pics. I'm so glad you're back!

01-08-2005, 03:55 PM
Thanks everybody!

Julia, I'm not sure how much he weighs! He hasn't been to the vet since he was neutered and he was only 34.8 back then in August! I tried to weigh him on our scale once, but our scale isn't accurate.:rolleyes:
I think he is around 50 pounds, probably a bit more. I've had to pick him up quite a bit the last couple weeks. But this last week, its been a LOT harder! I don't understand how he grew so much in one week:p

Mandy, he is a lab cross. Thats all I know for sure:)

I am in love with his tail too:D

Rizzy - I was throwing treats for him and then taking the picture when he went to catch them. I always get the funniest pictures when that happens:D

Val, just imagine eating breakfast, knowing that somebody was watching you from the window! It sure was funny. But his house is moved now, so he can't do that anymore.That's alright about the card, but I'll know to expect it. Did you get mine?
Thank you!!

01-08-2005, 04:54 PM
Came back for another peek at Major.:) Just wanted to say
that I'm glad to see that Major finally accepted the Halti. I do
remember when you were first training him to use it.:)

01-08-2005, 05:03 PM
I'm so glad Major is doing so well. He is such a cute boy. I'm glad you are back and sharing pictures with us again.