View Full Version : need some help

12-28-2004, 08:10 PM
well ok,in the future i plan on getting a Bull Terrier.im just wondering where in Canada they have restrictions/or bans from Bull Terriers?I planning on living in B.C after school,i know in Vancouver they have restrictions on Pitbulls,but what about Bull Terriers?(i dont plan on living in Ontario)
If theres a website that could help my out with this,please help me!:)

12-28-2004, 08:13 PM
I have a whole list of where bully breeds are banned, just hold on a minute. I have to go find it:)

12-28-2004, 08:18 PM
Here's a link to all the breed banning in Canada and the cities they've done it in:) I hope it helps, I have a better one but can't seem to find it right now...
Canadian breed specific legislation (http://www.goodpooch.com/BSL/cdnbsl.htm)
you have to scrol down the page a little bit to get to the provinces and breed laws.

12-28-2004, 08:27 PM
great thanks!Bull Terrier's arent restricted is very many cities,so thats good!:D

12-28-2004, 08:37 PM
i LOOOOVE bull terriers. i've only met 2, but i really enjoyd them. they are adorable dogs and they are one of this months breeds in dogfancy!:D

12-28-2004, 08:38 PM
I've never met bull terriers. I would love to though....It's so sad how there are so many bans and regulations in Canada about "vicious" dogs.

12-28-2004, 08:44 PM
yea it is sad:(it says under the restrictions that a pitbull is autmatically considered 'vicious',but i guess what can we do about it:(
My friend has a purewhite male Bull Terrier,and OMG i fell in love with him,he was such a lovebug and soo friendly,it was hard not to love him!Ive heard very good things about the Bully,thats why i love them!and i think theyre gorgeous,some people think theyre ugly,but i dont:D

12-28-2004, 08:46 PM
I love Bull Terriers! Do you want to get a coloured or white one? I love the standard (I think that's what they're called) tri-colours:D

12-28-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by sammy101
i love them!and i think theyre gorgeous,some people think theyre ugly,but i dont:D

my mom thinks they are ugly. i dunno why. she likes dogs that are under 10 lbs lots of hair.lol

12-28-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Orangutango
I love Bull Terriers! Do you want to get a coloured or white one? I love the standard tri-colours:D

probably a coloured one,i love thee black & white one,tan & white,or a white one with a black patch on his/her eye:D

12-28-2004, 09:00 PM
If you get any bully breed, get some kind of paper clearly stating what breed it is--either from the breeder or a vet. More and More places are banning "pit bulls" in general with no breed distinction. You may someday need to prove that your dog is not "pit". Lots of people, including AC officers, can't tell the difference between bully breeds.

Lilith Cherry
12-29-2004, 04:49 AM
Everyone should be very concerned by these breed specific bans; The Ontario government is aiming to pass a law which will give police and AC the right to enter your home WITHOUT A WARRANT and search to find any dog they think even vaguely resembles a bully breed. They will then confiscate the dog and send it to any facility to be destroyed including VIVISECTION!

It is a terrible law and takes away constitutional rights that should be untouchable! I will personally resort to violence if necessary to protect my dog and my home!!

As to what we can do about... well shrugging one's shoulders isnt going to help. Get out and protest it, write to politicians stating your objections etc. It may be Ontario now but others will follow if we let them them do this terrible thing. A dog is as good as it owner makes it with very few exceptions. Punish bad owners not innocent dogs and good owners!

12-29-2004, 12:05 PM
thanks for bringing that up Glacier,thats a really good idea.I dont plan on living in Ontario,mostly b/c that terrible ontario person is banning all bully breeds,including the English Bull Terrier(theyre considered dangerous?? :confused:

They had on the news a couple weeks ago,about lots of people who own Pitbulls were protesting,then the reporter went to a local pound,saying that most dogs up for adoption were Pitbulls,and they brought out this one dog that was barking her head off in her cage,but when they got her out she was so loving and not vicious at all.
I really would love to protest against this,but i live in Texas.