View Full Version : Need Advice

12-28-2004, 07:53 AM
I'm severly ticked off. I just got of the phone with Lee and he was just INFORMED by his step-mother that not only will she allow his little brother who is 9 to participate in our wedding, but she won't even allow him to come, and that she isn't coming either. This has just crushed the both of us. He was going to be our ring bearer. We already know money isn't the problem because we told her we would pay for their plane tickets, and for the tux for his brother. I'm so mad I just want to fly to Maryland and just rip her to shred. (Good thing doc said no long distance traveling for another four to five months) I don't know what to do....We have been nothing but nice to her, and now we're hurt and angry.:( :mad: The wedding is in August, but we have to order the tuxes by the end of the January. Is there any suggestions about what we can do?

12-28-2004, 08:29 AM
Any clue from other family members about why she decided to do that to you?

Sorry I don't have any other advice. :(

12-28-2004, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
Any clue from other family members about why she decided to do that to you?

Sorry I don't have any other advice. :(

Not a one. Her brother thinks its because when his brother was taken away from her that his older brother took custody of him until the courts gave him back. She really is an unfit mother, but we just try to be nice because we love the brother soo much.

12-28-2004, 09:29 AM
It is sad taht this woman feels the need to ruin your day. My advice would be to tell her nicely that "you are sorry that she and Lee's brother will not be able to attend the wedding. That you hate to have them miss this wonderful family day, but that you'll have to abide by their decision."

You can not have a ring bearer but have him listed as an honorary ring bearer in the program.

12-28-2004, 10:16 AM
I would confront her directly. I would ask for a specific reason and then go from there.

Wow, 5 months of no travel. Is that because of your miscarriage? Why so long? That must be frustrating!

12-28-2004, 10:22 AM
We had the same problem at my daughters wedding half the wedding party dropped out 2 weeks before the event. All family members, we haven't spoken to some of them since (no loss ) The others moved away. Just replace them and ignore them its her problem not yours if you have tried . Live your life and enjoy YOUR day . Good luck.

12-28-2004, 10:44 AM
Tonya, the no long distance traveling is because of the miscarriage and the injuries I received when the drunk driver hit me.


The only thing is that he wants to be there, but she is being something I'm too much of a lady to say. The rest of the wedding party are going to be there. She is our only connection to him.