View Full Version : Maggie gets spayed tomorrow

12-26-2004, 01:19 PM
Well, it's finally time. Her appt. is for 8am Monday morning.
I've never had a female dog before, so this is all new to me.
She'll have a laser surgery, which is supposed to cause less
bleeding & trauma around the wound site. Could you please
spare a few prayers for her tomorrow ?

I think anytime they go under anesthetic, you never know how they will react. That's the scary part.:(

12-26-2004, 01:22 PM
I will be praying for Maggie. I am sure things will go well, although I can just image how nervous you would be. {{{HUGS}}}

Cinder & Smoke
12-26-2004, 02:17 PM
Hi God ~

Hope You an Jesus had a Merrie Christmas!

Kan You squeeze ina road trip tumorrow?

'Preciate it iffin You kuld meet lil Maggie at da Hoppsbittel an
Help wiffa Sir Jury inna mornin.

Prolly be a gud idea ta *hang onta* Momma Liz, too -
she's gonna be a lil nerbus anna {{{GodsHUG}}} wuld be nice.

We'll All be *prayin*, too.

Thanks God!!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

12-26-2004, 02:37 PM
Liz, I will say a prayer that all goes well for Maggie and you too!

Keep us posted on how she does.

12-26-2004, 03:02 PM
Oh Liz, of course we'll be saying prayers for your precious Maggie and sending lots of positive thoughts your way:) Try not to worry Mom...as hard as that is. Hugs to you dear Maggie! You're going to do great:) Check back with us Liz when it's all over!

12-26-2004, 04:10 PM
good luck Maggie!

12-26-2004, 04:33 PM
Will be thinking of Maggie tomarrow and
sending oodles of get well wishes.

12-26-2004, 05:58 PM
Maggie will be in our prayers tomorrow, as will you Liz.

Abbey and Jada said to tell her it's no sweat!!

I hope everything goes smoothly, and that you don't worry too much--easier said than done, I know.

12-26-2004, 06:27 PM
Oh, thank you everybody. :) I'm sure I won't relax completely
till she's back home with me again.

12-26-2004, 06:55 PM
Torbutrol for the first night. Mine had been given Deramaxx, and she was sort of uncomfortable until I gave her 2.5 mg of Torbutrol (weight 69 lbs). That did the trick as she slept soundly the first night after the Torbutrol.

There after on the second day and sometimes into the 3rd they will sleep a lot. The Deramaxx did just fine with the pain from the 2nd day onward. After that they will be ready to bounce off the walls with all of the pent up puppy energy. Then the chore is to keep them from resuming their usual pace for a week. Mine got loose ran around and rolled in a mud puddle (with no ill effects) on the 4th day. :eek:

It's remarkable how fast they recover.

12-26-2004, 09:19 PM
Liz, I'll be keeping Maggie in my prayers tomorrow. Please let us know how it went.

12-26-2004, 11:02 PM
Prayers on their way! Please let us know how it goes! Good luck, Maggie.

12-27-2004, 11:34 AM
Liz, good, healing thoughts going your way for Maggie's quick recovery.
I always had girls and they recovered from the surgery in no time. It sounds like this new laser procedure should be even better.
Let us know when you can how the darling pup is doing.

12-27-2004, 02:16 PM
How's Maggie doing? Please check in when you can Liz...lots of nervous aunties here:)

12-27-2004, 05:14 PM
Maggie's home.:D They said she did well with her surgery.
I brought her home about 2 hours ago & she drank some water
and threw up twice. :( She is so out of it. She will not lay down,
but keeps sitting up with her head hanging over to her knees.:(

She looks so pitiful. She's to go back in 2 weeks to get the
stiches removed. Oh, I also took her outside, thinking the reason
she wouldn't settle was a potty break, but she hasn'nt peed
yet. I wish I could get her to lie down. Liz.

12-27-2004, 05:23 PM
It's hard coming out of anestesia, isn't it Maggie? Glad everything went well. I'm sure she will be pretty out of it tonight, a little bit tomorrow, and by Wednsday you will have a hard time keeping her and Smokey from playing!!

12-27-2004, 05:26 PM
So glad you're home, dear Maggie:) They probably didn't discharge her before she at least pee'd, Liz. And she so's behind in fluids...I'm sure she'll go soon again. And after she's over the excitement of coming home, I'll bet she'll sleep hard and long:) Lots of healing hugs to you sweet Maggie!

12-27-2004, 08:13 PM
Glad to hear Maggie's home, and surgery went well.
Sounds great--Jada wasn't allowed to even come home until the next day, so Maggie must be doing very well.

I'm sure in a day or so, you'll be wondering how to keep her settled:)

Gentle hugs for Maggie.

12-28-2004, 11:12 AM
Maggie is doing MUCH better today. She's completely awake
and hungry. I did remove her bandadge as I think it must have
been stuck to her wound & seemed to bother her. She fought
me a little when I cut it off, so I think it was pulling on the site.

She's much more relaxed now & is laying down all stretched
out on the living room floor.:D

Maggie & I want to say thanks for the prayers & good wishes. :)

12-28-2004, 11:37 AM
Dear Maggie, such good news from your Mom! We were all pulling for you little one........and we are glad to hear that you are feeling much better today!

12-28-2004, 12:02 PM
Maggie dear, it's so good to know you're home and on your way to recovery.
Kisses to you, little girl.
Liz, if you see Maggie trying to get to her wound, use an old T-shirt, draw the sleeves through her back legs, the tail through the neck opening and secure the bottom around her. I did this one of the times Carina had surgery and it worked very well. Of course, she didn't think that a white, red and blue T-shirt was just her style, but it kept her from scratching.

12-28-2004, 06:24 PM
LOL Carina.:D Those colors are much too garish for your taste.:)

Alicia, thanks for the tip on a different use for tee shirts. Maggie
has just been sleeping a lot today, but when she's awake, she
looks pretty normal. Not wanting to play at all, but I keep telling
Smokey that thats a good thing.:D He doesn't understand, poor

When Maggie is awake, she does lick her belly a little bit, but
then settles down to sleep again.

12-28-2004, 06:30 PM
So glad your safe at home.
That anesthia is nasty stuff.
Sheba and Rocky send get well wishes and that
you will be feeling much better in the next 24-48 hours.

Doggie hugs Sheba and Rocky

Cinder & Smoke
12-28-2004, 06:59 PM
Keep an *eye* on Miz Maggie!

First Shepherd Casey (RB :( ) was secretly "UN-zippin" :eek: her
Zipper throughout her spay recovery period!

I'd catch her *werkin* on the Zipper and scold her to *QUIT DAT*!...

When we returned to the White Coat for him to remove the sutures...

Doc sez "Hmmmmm... there seem to be a few *MISSING*!"

Casey was apparently very skillful with her front teeth!
<snip> <snip> <pulllll> <spit> ... "Ahhhh, that feels better!"


12-28-2004, 11:49 PM
I'm glad to hear Maggie is feeling better.

12-29-2004, 07:51 AM
Liz, glad to hear that Maggie is home and resting more comfortably now.

Big hugs and kisses for that sweet girl of yours:D

12-29-2004, 09:10 AM
Happy dance, happy dance:D Keep up the good work, Maggie!
Liz, I know how relieved you are to see Maggie back to her spunky self:) You can relax now, Mom!

12-29-2004, 09:36 AM
So glad to hear that the surgery went well!!! Good luck on recovery! Hugs.

12-30-2004, 08:26 AM
Hi Liz and Maggie! Hope you're both feeling good this morning! I remember those first couple of days with Lilly and how worried I was, then she sprung back into action. Honey spent the night at the vet when she was spayed and you could never tell that anything had ever happened to her! :D

Hugs to all of you!


12-30-2004, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Logan
Hi Liz and Maggie! Hope you're both feeling good this morning! I remember those first couple of days with Lilly and how worried I was, then she sprung back into action. Honey spent the night at the vet when she was spayed and you could never tell that anything had ever happened to her! :D

Hugs to all of you!


I don't know if I'm worrying about nothing, or if Maggie has
developed an bladder infection or something. She has stopped
eating altogether and hasn't "sprung back" at all. She goes out
to pee & ends up walking, then squatting 10 times or more all
over the yard. The vet tech I talked to says maybe she's just
marking her territory, as her female dog does the same thing.

Could be, but I don't think so, Maggie never did that before.:(
She still seems much to tired & sleepy most of the time, and this
not eating at all this moring makes me worry. I going to call the
vets office again today I think. I just don't know if this is normal
after this surgery. I sure don't like the way she's acting.

12-30-2004, 11:37 AM
I don't blame you for worrying, Liz. I'd call too. The only time I remember Honey acting in a similar fashion was after her surgery and she had to be boarded for a few days and developed a bladder infection. I don't think she "went" enough in the kennel and the infection was a result of that. I do remember that medication cleared her up quickly and that Dr. Robinson said this was not uncommon. Talk with the vet. You know her habits better than anyone and if you are worried, then the vet needs to know about it.

Good luck! I'm off to take Bennie Cockatiel to his new "mom", Amber (CamCamPup) this afternoon, but I'll check back in tonight.


Cinder & Smoke
12-30-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by lizbud

... She has stopped eating altogether and
hasn't "sprung back" at all.

She goes out to pee & ends up walking,
then squatting 10 times or more all over the yard.

She still seems much to tired & sleepy most of the time...


I guess I'd be worried, too.

Have you tried really *yummie* treats?

And pay close attention to her drinking - does she drink water?

Try walking her on a leash, rather than letting her run free.
You'll be better able to determine if she is actually
"doing anything" or just going through the motions of *peeing*.

Vet is probably going to want a *pee sample*...
carry a pie plate or small plastic bowl with you -
IF you work quickly enough you might get a sample.

Hope you feel better, Maggie! ;)

Dixieland Dancer
12-30-2004, 03:08 PM
I just came across this. I'm sorry to hear Maggie is having such a rough time after her surgery. Is the area of the incision red and inflammed? Is she still licking at it?

Actually, you should talk to the vet again (not the tech) since it has been 4 days and she appears to be getting worse. She should of been making progress by now. It may be nothing but insist that they check her out. After all this is a long Holiday weekend and you need to find out now instead of having a possible emergency later.

I will keep you and Maggie in my prayers. Please keep us posted.


12-30-2004, 03:18 PM
How is she acting now? Has she peed "normal" yet??

12-30-2004, 06:53 PM
I didn't call the vet today as my son came over to put my new
comperter desk & chair together and you woudn't believe how
much Maggie perked up.:D Such a flirt. LOL.:) She did eat some
of her dinner, but also peed in the house twice. I definitely will
call the office in the morning. She should be seen by the Vet.

Maggie pees a lot on her first squat and then walks off still peeing. She then walks around the yard & squats 8-10 times
until I call her to come in again. She is reluctant to pee on leash.

I checked her incision & it looks fine, not red or inflamed at all.
I do think sometings going on with her & want the Vet to check
her out.

Cinder & Smoke
12-30-2004, 07:20 PM
*Flirting* & *Eating* - that's progress!

As for "Seeing da White Coat" - I'd bet they're planning on a
"short day" if not a HowlyDay - it's New Years Eve!

Might try calling them TONIGHT and leave a message on the
answering machine that you want to bring Maggie in
BEFORE they call it quits on Friday.

Good luck!

12-31-2004, 10:05 AM
The answering machine at the office said they would open
at 8 am this morning, so I called first thing. Good thing I did
as they colse at noon today. Completely forgot about the holiday.

Maggie did not have a temperature, but Dr. says she shows
all the signs of a bladder infection & a course of antibiotics
won't hurt her at all. He things she is feeling pain when she pees.
I am so give her 1/2 tablet of pain meds. It's Rimadyl. I've heard
so many bad things about that drug, I didn't want to give it
unless really necessary, but I did.

Doc gave her a shot of antibiotic & a supply of capsules to take
for a week or so. I how this works quickly, I sure miss my happy
little playful pup. Thank you everyone for your kindness & advice.

Liz,Smokey & Maggie.

12-31-2004, 10:20 AM
Liz, I am sure glad that you were able to get her in to the vets today.

I bet you see a huge improvement in her condition over the weekend.


12-31-2004, 10:51 AM
Good!!! I feel better knowing he is treating her, Liz. And I wouldn't worry too much about the Rimadyl. It's when they are on it for extended periods of time that some of those side effects could kick in. Honey takes it periodically when her arthritis acts up and she's doing great! And I think many vets do prescribe it for pain after surgery. :)

Hugs to all of you! Happy New Year!!!


Dixieland Dancer
12-31-2004, 02:02 PM
What a relief! I'm glad to hear she got into see Mr. White Coat today. I was worried if she didn't see him today then it was going to be a trip to the emergency vet over the holiday weekend. It just sounded like something wasn't completely right.

As Logan stated, don't worry about giving her the pain med for a short period of time. It's only extended use that should be monitored closely. I think your going to have that happy bouncy pup back in no time now!! :D

Happy New Year to you and the pups!

12-31-2004, 02:28 PM
So relieved to hear you were able to get the sweetie in for a check up before the weekend! It was sounding a lot like UTI to me too. Hope the meds help her discomfort. Now rest up dear Maggie and get well soon!:)

01-16-2005, 09:32 AM
Oh dear how did i miss this :(. Liz how is Maggie doing now? I hope all went well after the antibiotics. Please update us when you can.

01-16-2005, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
Oh dear how did i miss this :(. Liz how is Maggie doing now? I hope all went well after the antibiotics. Please update us when you can.

Sorry not update sooner, but Maggie's doing great. After taking
the antibiotics (& pain pills for 24 hrs), she perked right up.:)
Already had her stitches out and is back to playing hard with
Smokey. Thanks for thinking of her.:)

01-16-2005, 07:35 PM
That's good! We have to get Lexi spayed as well...do you know what it does to them:confused: temperment wise!

01-16-2005, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Lexi_Lover
That's good! We have to get Lexi spayed as well...do you know what it does to them:confused: temperment wise!

Not a thing changed with Maggie.:D She's as wild & lovable
as ever.:D

01-16-2005, 07:58 PM
My Gracie was spayed Friday and so far so good...glad you baby did so well

01-17-2005, 07:05 AM
Liz that is great too hear :D. I am so happy to hear Miss Maggie is back to normal and has fully recovered. Thankyou for the update.

That's good! We have to get Lexi spayed as well...do you know what it does to them temperment wise!
It can help to settle down overly dominant bitches and make them a little calmer. It worked wonders for my Clover, she is a realy sweet dog now, but before she was a terror. Some dogs dont change at all though ;).