View Full Version : Looking for recommondations-Please

12-16-2004, 09:31 AM
I'll be taking Teeko on a fairly long car ride soon. (roughly 10 hours, could be more depending on the weather conditions) I was wondering if someone could recommend a good seat belt for him, please?

One where he would be able to stand up, lay on his pillow (the whole back seat will be his), go to each window if he wants, one where he is fairly secure but has a little room for movement but can move a little. It can be dangerous because we have alot of snow and it's icy so I want him to be safe.

He weighs roughly 22-23 pounds.

Thanks :)

**cross-posting in the General area too ;)**

12-16-2004, 09:41 AM
I don't know, but I'll be interested in seeing the responses you get. I don't take my pups in the car too often, but have been thinking about getting a seat belt for when I do.

I didn't realize how big Teeko is. Charlie, my min pin only weighs 7 lbs. Is Teeko a standard pinscher?

12-16-2004, 09:48 AM
I posted this in general but i'll post it here as well :)

Amy (wolf_q) has two like these..

When we rode in her car, it worked nicely with a harness!

12-16-2004, 12:02 PM
I have two of these and they are wonderful!!

Buddy Lookout Seat (http://www.snoozer-dog-beds.com/bud.htm)

You can get them a lot of places, but I bought mine at JC Penney. When I bought them they were the cheapest. At this link, you can get a bigger size one. It puts them up high enough to see out, but straps them in securely so that if you have to hit the brakes they are safe.

12-16-2004, 01:29 PM
Thanks guys :)

We don't have JCPenny out here in Canada though. I saw one that you mentioned Kfamr, at lunch I also started hunting around and saw one which would cost just about $30.00 after taxes. I may get it tonight or tomorrow.

KBlaix, Teeko is a big boy (for a MinPin), in length from nose to tail end he is I believe 19" could be pushing 20" now. I don't think he is a standard because from what I read they are only supposed to weigh a few pounds and be between 10" to 12". If he weighed only 7 lbs. I would have put him in my pocket for the trip, lol :p