View Full Version : All Tiger Lovers!

04-17-2001, 10:32 AM
Tigers are among the most feared and ADMIRED and RESPECTED creatures in the world. Open your encyclopedia, ZooBooks, and Dictionary. I guarantee it will say ADMIRED and RESPECTED by most feared.
So why, I ask, do we shoot them down for their beautiful skins? Is it that important to have a tiger skin in your home? Will your neighbors like you more? Chances are, no.
Good news, though. You CAN do something to help. And, people are getting smarter. Learning that tigers are becoming extinct and will only be here through pictures. Open up books and visit web pages and learn as much as you can, tiger lovers! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif In the next five years, we might not even have a tiger. So think fast. I all ready did my part in helping, so maybe you can do yours.

People who think they cannot buy love have never bought an animal.

05-09-2001, 08:06 AM
In my town of Myrtle Beach Sc there is a place called Preservation Station/Tigers. They are a group of highly trained individuals who have an incaptivity breeding farm for bengal and siberian tigers. They make money by showing them off at one of the tourist shopping centers called Barefoot Landing. You can get your picture taken with the baby tigers. They also lend them to an attraction called Alligator Adventure which is also located at Barefoot Landing. This is strictly for the care and to further the breed and not for profit.
These animals are absolutely fantastic!
There is a plexiglass viewing area where the general public can look. You have to go in and pay if you want a picture done.
Plus, they only have them there for limited times. So it is really a good organization.
The people are really dedicated to these animals.
They look like giant cats and I just want to jump in and hug one around the neck!! the babies are cute! I have not gotten my picture yet, but my kids want to so when we do I will post it on this site.