View Full Version : chinchilla biting!

12-12-2004, 03:10 PM
my Chinchilla, Luna, is biting.. she bit me for the first time this morning and then a second time a bit later on, drawing blood... why is she doing that?? my poor baby.. I have been considering getting her a chinchilla friend... but i am still contemplating it... I need to know if this behavious is normal... thanks...

>< () >< ()

12-15-2004, 06:47 AM
My chins have never bitten me, never even attempted to.
My girls love each other so much. They would be lost with out each other. I would with out a doubt recommend getting a second one. I don't know if that would help any with the biting, but I know she would love a sister.

12-15-2004, 04:39 PM
My dad bought 2 chinchalla's once. They did bite at me when I reached in. They were untamed and not sure where they came from. However, recently I met a chinchalla that was soo sweet and let me pet it.:)
So the biting behavior can be present. Could your chinchilla have an injury? It might be sensitive right now. Has it been a while since you played with it? That might make it skiddish.
Handling the animal with gloves can make the animal more aggressive. I worked in a pet store and HATED NOT wearing gloves to handle the animals. :mad: However, the animals responded more to my smell than to the smell of the gloves.
I would suggest having the chinchilla SMELL your hand first and get used to your smell. You may be moving too fast for it as well. Sudden movements may make it react defensively. Maybe it has been frightened lately and is sensitive to noises. Talk gently and soothing to it while trying to initiate contact.
Please don't give up! The more contact the better the situation. You may try a second chinchilla if you want breeding to happen. Otherwise, you may have it connecting to it's mate more than you.

12-15-2004, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Scooby4
You may try a second chinchilla if you want breeding to happen. Otherwise, you may have it connecting to it's mate more than you.

I have 3 female chinchillas, so they have each other to cuddle with and play with but no mating.

12-16-2004, 05:38 PM
nope she isnt injured...

i am worried that if i get a second chinchilla she will bond with it alot more then with me....

12-16-2004, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
nope she isnt injured...

i am worried that if i get a second chinchilla she will bond with it alot more then with me....

It's possible I guess, but I really doubt it. I think it will give her someone to play with and bond with for when you're not around, but when you are around you can play and bond with the both of them. I have a relationship with each of my chins, when I open their cage door they all run over to me and nuzzle my nose. Look at all the people here who have multiple rats or guinea pigs, their pets still bond with them.

12-17-2004, 02:34 PM
i have had rats they have a much different bonding relationship with their owners then chinchillas do, rats are way more physical.