View Full Version : Tito and Sophie have missed you! *8 pics

12-04-2004, 03:49 PM
Well, I haven't posted a lot lately. :( This has been a combination of a few things: I'm a lot busier at work, my camera's broken, and Tito and Sophie has both put on a few pounds, which I am embarrassed to show you! :eek: I can't share any recent pictures of them, because my camera's broken, but if I did you'd see they're both a little pudgier than normal. It happened when I tried free-feeding them. :( So now they're back on their diet, and back to driving me crazy all night long. Tito's new trick is jumping up in the window, and putting his paws all over the blinds, making them rattle and hence waking me up. Somehow they have both learned that once Meowmie wakes up, they get fed. I've stopped feeding them first thing in the mornings in an attempt to end this association, and hopefully it gets better. Also, it's not as bad as it used to be, so maybe it'll get better as they get older. I weighed them both today (step on the scale, read weight, step off scale, pick up cat, step back on scale, read combined weight and subtract) but the numbers I got for both of them were less than what they both weighed at their last vet visits - so I know my scale is wrong. It underweighs me by about 7 lbs as well. So I don't know how much they weigh.

Anyway, enough rambling for now. Here's some old pictures of them I dug up.

They love each other:


Sophie helps me pack for a weekend at home with my parents:



Sophie watches TV:


Sophie loves her daaaaaddy so much, she even lets him hold her like this. Super kitty! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid149/pc69e96b7997f68bc3b28ddb3dc721dd6/f605a3d2.jpg

Hope you enjoyed! :)

PS I do lurk a lot on PT, but I hope to get back to replying to more posts!

12-04-2004, 04:07 PM
Your two are gorgeous as always. Sophie must be a very trusting girl. Chloe lets us hold her up like that, as well, but you can't do that with just any cat.

12-05-2004, 10:49 AM
Yeah, Tito and Sophie pictures.

Congrats to Sophie for being the PT Cat of the Day today!!!

Liz, I hope you will be able to get back to posting soon and don't worry if the kitties are a little chubby. That never stops me from posting pictures.:D

12-05-2004, 12:31 PM
And we have missed Tito,and Sophie,and are so pleased,to see our Tabby Pals,again,they are really very Good Cats!

12-05-2004, 02:27 PM
What gorgeous kittys:D ;) :D

12-05-2004, 03:57 PM
How could you be ashamed of something like this:

By far, one of the cutest pictures I've seen in a while!! And that's saying a lot with all the amazing PT kitties!!! This is so cute! I love how they are laying!!

Good to see them again. They are both really lovely kitties. :)

12-05-2004, 04:02 PM
AWWW!! I did not realize how much I have missed Sophie and Tito!!:) They are adorable. I had not seen those chair hug pictures and love how Sophie is getting a "leg hug" from her big brother:D
OH and congratulations on Sophie's COTD honor today!! That is SOOOO exciting!!

12-05-2004, 07:18 PM
Oh I missed seeing these two beauties.

I loved all the pictures and hope to see more.:)

12-06-2004, 08:43 AM
I missed them too- and I would like to see some up-to-date pictures too:) After all, we all don't look the same as we looked when we were kittens;)