View Full Version : perky? what the? lol

12-03-2004, 05:47 PM
ok I never would have guess this one lol but I was working on Happys talking, and was working on her saying the word "hi" when from beside me I hear this low "hi" it was...perky? :eek: but she did! PERKY said "hi" perfectly! after that I turned my attention to perky trying to get her to do it again lol I got her to say it 2 more times lol but really who would have thunk that a JRT could talk lol you can see her moving her mouth is exactly the same way as the dogs in the talking dogs video, and she tries to mimic what I am doing with my mouth, its funny because when she talks its so deep, and her bark is so high pitched! lol I will have to tell my mom when she gets home that her dog can talk! lol Perky even said the word "hello" once, and Happy did it right after perky, and Happys is more barky sounding . perkys is like a deep breathing sound almost, as if she is talking from her lungs.

12-03-2004, 05:49 PM
That's funny:D How do you teach a dog to talk? I've wanted to try and teach Tango but I don't know how:)

12-03-2004, 05:53 PM
there is a book called "how to teach your dog to talk" lol first you just reward differnt sounds other then barking. echo may be a better choice though, the book says that dogs with a shorter muzzle have an easier time taking then a dog with a long muzzle, because they can make more shapes with their mouths. I never tought perky how though lol it never even occured to be to try and teach perky to talk lol I just out of the blue here this "hhhiii" out of perky lol