View Full Version : hey shutterbug0303!!!

11-30-2004, 10:05 PM
hey shutterbug0303!
how is sahara doing? i havn't heard any updates on her mange. pics are good as well.;)

12-01-2004, 10:54 AM
lol...thanks for asking lute!!! You've notice that I haven't been updating as much?!?! hehe I'm very sorry for that, but I've been keeping an eye on things and reading posts!! Hopefully I'll have a chance to be on more once school is out (just 2 more weeks!!!)

Sahara is doing really well! Everything seems to be coming along nicely with the mange, but we are definetely not out of the woods yet. We went to the vet last Monday to count the mites and get more meds. The vet said that there are some in the dead category now, but there is still a lot alive in the egg, baby, and adult stages too. So we are still giving the Ivermectin in hopes that it will help her body fight them off. Her immune system is still pretty weak and that is basically the determinate of if my girl is going to be ok. If we can get it to strenghten with treatment, then she will have a good quality of life, but if not, then the mange will plague her forever and it would be too hard for her. RottiMommy49 pointed me in the direction of Immunocal, that her babies are on, and Cappy as well (I think...:confused:). We're looking into that and may start after the holiday season.

I've been pretty slack on photos lately with everything that has been going on. I'll get some posted of her graduation from preschool soon! :D :D

12-01-2004, 03:13 PM
i'm super glad to hear that Sahara is doing well! i keep her in my prayers everynight. she's so lucky to have a great mum like you!:D

i guess i'll forgive you about not having pics.:p