View Full Version : Doctor Appt. went bad. . *venting*

Toby's my baby
11-29-2004, 05:23 PM
Sorry I had to post this, I have nobody else to share it with and I knew you guys wouldn't mind ;).... right?:p

I went to the doctor today, because I broke my wrist in Aug. and had Carpal Tunnel surgery on it about a month ago. They did the surgery because I have no feeling in my fingers because of nerve damage. Well, when I got there the doctor said he was hoping I would have some feeling in my fingers by now, and I don't. . . he said that he thinks the feeling will come back, but he wants to send me to a different doctor just to make sure. So, he is sending me to the doctor 120 miles away in Fargo, ND to the Nero Surgeon (sp?). Then about a year ago I was playing basketball and I injured my ankle, my coach said it would be fine and he just raped it in tape for basketball games. It has been bothering me latley so they took an x-ray and a piece of bone is missing in my ankle, so now i have to go in on Wed. and get an MRI :o

What was supposed to be a normal check up turned into a terrible doctors appt.

Sorry for venting!!


11-29-2004, 05:34 PM
Beth, it's better to know these things now than to have them bother you for years to come. On the plus side, my neurosurgeon was one of the nicest, most competent, patient doctors with whom I have ever dealt. Maybe yours will be, too?

MRI's are fun!!!!! When else would you get to see a part of yourself in slices, without even getting a single cut?

Metal bothers MRIs, so leave any rings and watch, even earrings at home, and wear a bra that has no underwire or hooks - generally a "sports bra" will do handily. Sweat pants or a skirt (no metal zipper or button) and that way you won't have to change into one of those awful drafty "hospital gowns" at all.

Toby's my baby
11-29-2004, 05:39 PM
Thanks Karen!! I am glad you say stuff in a positive way! Also, I have something to add, I came hope to tell my dad what the doctor said, and he flipped out!! He has been sick latley and it is caused by stress. . I totally forgot!! Hope this doesnt stress him out more. We get to go to the hospital together, they found something ELSE wrong with him:o

Thanks Karen for the advice!!


11-29-2004, 06:01 PM
Tell Dad it's not worth stressing about - hey, maybe he can get an MRI, too! At least guys don't have to worry about which bra to wear ... :rolleyes: ;)

11-29-2004, 08:12 PM
That is the whole reason why you get doctor's appointments, to see if something is wrong and if it is, you can fix it before any thing gets worse. Sorry all of the things that happen though.

11-30-2004, 08:20 AM
Ouch! I hope the neuro surgeon and MRI help! *hugs*

11-30-2004, 08:32 AM
oh.. I´m sorry....But I hope everything will be fine .)
By the way, what´s MRI???

Toby's my baby
11-30-2004, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by EssTer
oh.. I´m sorry....But I hope everything will be fine .)
By the way, what´s MRI???

I believe an MRI is where you lay in a tube while they take pictures of your body. . .

cookieluver7- your right, I guess I am glad we can fix this up so I can get back to my normal self, I just hope they dont find anything else wrong when they do the MRI.

Thanks everyone for your good thoughts!