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11-26-2004, 10:21 PM
no there was someone who came over and fed it but didint take it out of its cage

11-26-2004, 10:28 PM
No wonder he wont come to you!:eek:

11-27-2004, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Mandy1
No wonder he wont come to you!:eek:

I agree.:eek:

11-27-2004, 10:15 PM
Did the sitter not know how to handle the bird? How long have you had the bird? Not going to ask why you were gone for two months, but if you would like to answer, totally fine. However, it's understandable on the birds part to be weary, two months is a descent amount of time to get a little bitter. Especially, if he was used to going out regularly. Earning his trust is a biggie. He may of gotten traumatized some how, and is scared to leave his "safety" zone. I don't know how to advice earning its trust, because the only birds I had were parakeets and they were not handraised, so.....yeah.lol. I did teach them tho to stay on my shoulder or finger, as long as it was quiet. My male was such a sweetheart..rambling sorry.lol. I hope I don't sound a little scoldingish tho, and hope that you don't get discouraged. Best of luk.

11-28-2004, 12:38 AM
Are you the same person as hamsterman?

11-28-2004, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Mandy1
Are you the same person as hamsterman?

I believe they are. They both horribly misuse their grammar, and both mispelled California. Plus, they both made a thread about getting a new hamster, and they described it the same way. I could possibly be wrong though.

11-28-2004, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by guineapiglover4life
I believe they are. They both horribly misuse their grammar, and both mispelled California. Plus, they both made a thread about getting a new hamster, and they described it the same way. I could possibly be wrong though.

They both started threads and then just put 'hi' in them aswell.