View Full Version : Link to a website...Must see

11-25-2004, 04:53 AM
This site is wonderfull. It's called Voices for the Voiceless....I think everyone will enjoy reading about her mission. I sure did. This is a lady that LeeAnn knows and has been involved with doing animal rescue. Let me know what you think please.
... http://www.voiceless.ca/main.html

Deb, Monty, Kiki:)

11-25-2004, 09:22 AM
This is a lady who is trying to make people aware of all the animals that are neglected, abused, abandoned, beaten to death, starved, live totally without human contact, live in filth, I could go on forever. I truly believe that if everyone who loves animals gets involved somehow that maybe one day this will no longer go on...and on. They need help from people like us, who care.

I know many of you are into animal rescue already and that's great but we need to get our communities involved and see how badly some animals are treated by people who just don't care.


11-25-2004, 09:26 AM
i really liked "good boys story". too bad it didnt have a happy ending- :(
It was a nice site. :)

11-25-2004, 10:13 AM
thatgs a wonderful site! thanks for sharing!Do you know if they place their rescued dogs up for adoption?

11-25-2004, 10:42 AM
great site.....

11-25-2004, 10:52 AM
This is a wonderful caring lady with a heart of gold... A furless angel indeed!!
Good Boys story was touching and despite the fact his life was cut short ,, I felt his story in the end was good,, not bad,,, good in the sense he finally knew love and the warmth that a human can and should provide. The only thing that was sad is that it didnt last long enough.

He is happy at last at the RB!