View Full Version : They should ban all forwards....

11-24-2004, 08:50 PM
I have this cousin who never reads her email. I know it for a fact because I've sent her emails that I know darn well she would respond to if she'd read them. Like "I found your favorite sweater, do you want me to send it to you?" Then a few weeks later, she'll call and say "Have you seen my sweater, I haven't seen it since my trip to your house."

She doesn't check her email often. I'd say about once every couple weeks. And do you know what she does?! She forwards every single email to me. So, I get no email from her...and then BAM! Every two weeks I get 20-30 forwards from her at once.

Is that not the worst email etiquette in the world?! She lives in Arizona, so I don't see her much. But the next time I see her in person, I'm going to tell her that I'm going to break her fingers if she doesn't stop! :D

11-24-2004, 09:05 PM
I hate that too! I have some people blocked that only send forwards and they still dont have a clue!

11-24-2004, 09:57 PM
Time to send that girl snail-mail. Explain you don't want the forwards, you've seen them all already, but she can email you with actual news if she wants some, and that you'd be happy to correspond electronically, but don't need the clutter.