View Full Version : When blondes go wild!!!

11-24-2004, 11:17 AM
Dark side of blonde protest

Police say campaigners fighting for a ban on blonde jokes in Hungary turned violent in a protest outside a bar.

Hungary's Blonde Women's Movement marched on parliament to hand in a petition demanding MPs to outlaw blonde jokes.

Police have now revealed that they also staged a protest outside a bar called Blondy that turned to violence when staff tried to move them on.

Bar manager, Laszlo Bolyocki, said: "Our bar is a new one and we didn't want to cause any offence with the name.

"But when we tried to get rid of the protestors they turned violent, and threw cakes and eggs at the windows and urged their blonde sisters working here to go on strike."

Blonde Women's Movement founder Krisztina Timar, 29, said: "This bar was using dumb blonde jokes to promote itself.

"It's thanks to stunts like this that people look down on us - and we have much worse chances of getting a job."


Two blondes protest in front of a bar.......

Naw...that's too easy!


11-24-2004, 11:46 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Oh God, what next?

BWM.....dyslexic car???:D