View Full Version : Heidi has a small cut on her leg

11-20-2004, 03:18 PM
I took Heidi out for our three mile bike ride and when we came back, and I started grooming her (I was planning on giving her a bath) I noticed that she had a cut on her leg. The fur is gone where it is, and when I wiped the dried blood away with a warm cotton ball, the skin kind of looked purple. :confused: Its a small cut, but I was wondering how to clean it and take care of it. Do I just clean it like a human wound? I would ask my mom because she used to be a nurse, but she isn't here. :( I read once that peroxide is bad because it kills the good cells too or something like that. Would it be alright if I gave her a bath then or not? Do I put a bandage on it? Tonight is my last agility class and I don't want germs getting into it. Again, it is a small cut. Thanks! :)

11-20-2004, 03:42 PM
Poor Heidi! If it's not acitvely bleeding, I wouldn't bandage it Miranda. Chances are she'd only pull it off anyway, or it would fall off. Keep it clean and dry. Hydrogen peroxide is fine to use; just dab the area with a wet cotton ball or clean cloth. If you have any neosporin or polymixin ointment you might want to put a bit on the wound after cleaning it. Why not wait on the bath? I think she'll be fine till tomorrow and the soap and hot water might inflame the area right now. Feel better soon Heidi! Sorry you got a boo boo:(

11-20-2004, 09:29 PM
Well, I went ahead with the bath because I didn't get a response right away and i talked to my mom about it. I need to have her bath done by 4 because I needed to take a shower and get ready to head off to my final agility. I tried to not wash around the wound and didn't put soap near it. She seems to be doing fine, and I looked at it tonight, and looks good. I will put some peroxide on it tonight though. Thanks for the advice Sandra! :)

11-22-2004, 02:28 PM
Gald to hear you took matters into your own hands, nurse Miranda! You done good:D So glad to hear that Heidi's cut is on the mend!!! Hope you guys had fun in agility!

11-22-2004, 02:54 PM
A good thing to have on hand is Syptic Powder or Corn Starch for small bleeding. This helps if you trim their nails too short. Add some and it should help clot the blood faster. Dogs blood doesn't clot like humans. Sometimes it needs a little assistance.
Good luck with keeping the bandaid on!!! Glad she is doing better!!!

11-29-2004, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Scooby4
A good thing to have on hand is Syptic Powder or Corn Starch for small bleeding. This helps if you trim their nails too short. Add some and it should help clot the blood faster. Dogs blood doesn't clot like humans. Sometimes it needs a little assistance.
Good luck with keeping the bandaid on!!! Glad she is doing better!!!

I do have Knick stop, but i didn't think of that. :o My brother used it for when he cut himself shaving once though. :rolleyes: lol Sandra, I could never be a nurse. I would get SOOOO grossed out. My mom was a nurse though. Tendons, veins and arteries really gross me out. :o :rolleyes: