View Full Version : Kay Missed Her Plane/Barn pics

11-19-2004, 07:03 PM
Kay and her dad came by this morning. They thought they had gotten to the airport on time. I can't remember exactly why they weren't on time. So, I got to give her the presents I had for her. I wanted so bad to post the pic I took of her with her one present but I thought she would want to do that. Then, I forgot to get a pic of her with the shirt I bought her in Ohio. Anna got her an Ohio State one and I got her one that said "That tizzle is off the hizzle fo shizzle" Cracked me up! I knew she would like it. Anyway, we got Doogie and Kiara together. They stayed her until about 1:30 and then headed back to Orlando for the 5pm flight. I know they had plenty of time this time. They wanted to charge her dad $600 to change the ticket.
I decided to move Doogie's new cat post thing into the living room. So now, this is what you see. One for each window. I think it's cute.
I was at the barn today for Flair's shots and took some pics. All the horses were watching this guy:
Here's a beautiful Paint
Here's a horse named Yellow. He's a sweetheart. I think he's 17 years old.
More in next....

11-19-2004, 07:08 PM
Here's my Flair
I was getting pics of my other boys last night
This is so funny. Doogie saw some of my shadow on Duke. Well, he loves to chase shadows. He had started to swat at the one on Duke and Duke started jumping up, like he was scared of him. Was very cute.
Ok. That's it for the pics. Hope you enjoyed. I thought Duke was special before. He's been so good with Doogie that it's going to be harder than ever to find a dog to fill his paws when the time comes. He's one very special dog.

11-19-2004, 07:12 PM
Oh what gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing. :D

11-19-2004, 07:20 PM
Wonderful pictures, Val! I'm still so amazed at how beautifully
Duke and Doogie are getting along:) What a precious pair they make. And you're right, Duke is one very special pup:)
And how nice to see some new pics of Flair! What a beauty he is; and the other horses too:)
I had to just laugh when I read that Kay missed her flight:D Now how'd that happen???;) Glad you were there to help fill the hours!

11-19-2004, 08:46 PM
Wonderful pics, Val!!! That Duke is getting more and more handsome every time you post pics. And it is so heartwarming to see him and Doogie together. :)

It must have been so disappointing to Kay for missing her flight. Hopefully she made it the 2nd time around and is getting there safely and without further incident!

11-19-2004, 09:14 PM
Aww....cute pictures! :D Flair is SO pretty, and so is the paint! Love the photo of Doogie swatting at Duke. So cute! :p

Did they charge Kay's dad to change the ticket? Thats a lot of money! :eek:

11-20-2004, 02:07 AM
Great photos Val :D. What a shame Kay missed the first flight, $600 to change flights that is insane :eek:.

Thankyou so much for sharing your 3 gorgeous boys with us, and Kiki aswell.

11-20-2004, 03:32 PM
Wow 600.00, Poor Kay and dad, that really sucks, I hope they didn't have to pay that, or did they and I just didn't understand?

Those pics are awesome! I love horses and those are some great looking horses! :D Duke and Doogie are looking super cute and Flair looks soooo gorgeous!

11-20-2004, 07:41 PM
He didn't have to pay that, thank goodness. I think that was if they had arranged a flight for one as close as possible to the one they missed. That's why they had to wait so long for her to leave, so they wouldn't get charged any extra money.

guster girl
11-21-2004, 03:09 PM
Here's a horse named Yellow. He's a sweetheart. I think he's 17 years old.

All the pictures are great, but, I am in love with this horse!

11-21-2004, 04:30 PM
They had to pay $100.00 to get another spot on the later flight, and I don't think that even then it was guaranteed. Not sure. So, she and Kiara did end up leaving aroun 5pm form Orlando. Her dad might fight it since they did close the ticket gate early orginally, but he wants to wait until she gets back home. :)

Very nice pictures Val!!!! Flair is gorgeous!

11-21-2004, 04:34 PM
Wonderful pictures!The horses are beautiful.
What airline did Kay fly on??

11-21-2004, 11:10 PM
Great pics! Doogie seems like such a laid back kitty. I'm glad he's getting along well with Duke, they look so cute together! :)

Kay flew in on Delta..