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View Full Version : can they do this?

11-18-2004, 03:50 PM
We bought our house three years ago. The township came out and inspected everything. Nothing on the exterior of our house has changed, except our yearly gutter cleaning. Well, today we got a letter of code violation - they claim our gutters are broken --- the pieces they are complaining about were not there when we bought the house, and we had no idea they needed to be replaced. If they did, we would have replaced them imediately. Now we have 10 days to make a $300 repair or be fined $400. We don't even have ten dollars in the bank. I know. I checked the bank today. :(

Can they enforce code violations if the house was approved by THEM less than three years ago (ok, 2 years and 11 months ago)? Why didn't they enforce it when we bought the hosue? Can we claim finaicial hardship?

UGH... I hate this town so much anymore. Did you know we got a citation for the graffitti on our shed. We painted over it in less than 15 hours and they wanted to fine us anyway. There's a guy that drives around in a golf cart just picking apart everyone's property, and since we are closest to a busy road, he seems to notice EVERYTHING about us. Once we got a letter saying ONE WEED was taller than 10". I ran outside and measured this weed -- 10.25" OMG... I asked him if he ran around with a ruler measuring weeds!

Anyhow, this is part rant, part question.

11-18-2004, 03:53 PM
OMG! It sounds like a snobby community! I don't have any idea about that. I almost wish they'd cite some people here in Modesto. There are some nasty neighborhoods here that no one seems to care about.

11-18-2004, 04:01 PM
Yeah, but they don;t enforce the codes they sHOULD enforce, liekthe one stating single family homes need to remain single family homes. We have some house that I swear have 4 bedrooms and a dozen kids, and at least 3 sets of parents.

11-18-2004, 04:03 PM
Good God Kim - if I lived there it would cost me a fortune. :D

The state of our front garden alone before we had the driveway bricked - would have cost us plenty!! Weeds over 10" high??? Dont make me laugh - I can grow wonderful weeds - plants and flowers forget it - but weeds I'm in my element!!

Pruning one of our bushes last month I discovered - a HUGE bramble - complete with blackberries (which I ate!!)_it was y-a-r-d-s long!!! More like 10 feet never mind 10 inches!!! It was a little hidden in the bush though - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:


11-18-2004, 04:14 PM
Good heavens we have a drug house next door and can't seem to get rid of this woman and your town is complaining about your gutters??? Ten days seems awfully short, around here I think if zoning sites you, you have 30 days.

11-18-2004, 04:22 PM
   Can they do it? Yes. Perhaps, you could ask for additional time to complete the repair.


11-18-2004, 04:26 PM
Get a copy of the original paperwork and ask for a meeting with the county/city council or township..

That may buy you some time....

Is Mr Golfcart part of the township council or is he the block mayor????

You may want to file a complaint that operating a non licensed vehicle on the city streets is a Vehicle Code violation.....so is tresspassing, harrassment, looking into people's windows...;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-18-2004, 04:39 PM
Unfortunately, yes, they can do it. And if you think that's bad - try dealing with the City of Chicago on such things. My boss has gone through this many many many times with them and b]I'm[/b] the lucky one that gets to make all the phone calls to the wonderful city employees. :rolleyes: Sorry to any city employees out there, but if you had to deal with the ones I've dealt with, you'd be sympathetic too.

Richard has a good suggestion. There has to be somewhere on the citation that lists a number or place to be if you want to protest. Or just call city hall, explain the situation and ask what can be done to get more time. Unfortunately, if you take this route, you'll probabably have to explain your entire problem/question/situation at least a million times before you get to a person who can answer with the correct answer. :rolleyes:

I agree how they pick on the most ridiculous things - and I've already heard it quoted from a very reputable source (although I don't remember who that was), but they pick on the responsible home owner because they know they will get results or money out of them. They don't bother with the deadbeats because they know it's only going to COST them money. :rolleyes:

Good luck, but call somebody and see what you can do about getting the time extended.

11-18-2004, 04:59 PM
Can you call them and ask for at least an extension? Ten days to make such a complicated repair is not fair.

11-18-2004, 05:57 PM
Thanks everyone. I do find it silly... becuase there is a "hotel" a few blocks away that is an eyesore at the best term, a lot of other words could be used to describe it. Its crumbling down, weedy, and its only druggies an hookers that go there. I have never seen them work on upgrading it. Yet WE get the citation! :mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes:

I will call tomorrow and explain our finances, and see if we can get an extension. Better me than hubby, who is rather peeved right now and would rant and rage on them if he called.