View Full Version : Limo

01-08-2002, 09:06 AM
What a handsome boy!!!! And so lucky to have found such a wonderful home. One of my 5 house rabbits is a real laid back guy, and since I also volunteer at a rabbit sanctuary, I can say that a laid back bunny is a rarity, and such a treat. Best wishes!

01-08-2002, 09:36 AM
Hi Limo, what a sweet honey bunny you are.
It sound like you have a gourmet appetite, Congradulations for being our sweetest, most loved, cutest, honey of a bunny Very Best Pet of the Day.

01-08-2002, 03:06 PM
Hi Limo!! Looks like you hopped right into the arms of the perfect family!! I'm so glad to read you are surrounded by such loving humans; and bunny mates! And I LOVE your photos!! So round and fluffy and cuddly looking! Did your humans catch you napping? :D You sure are one mellow bunster boy!! (And is that a tongue I see poking out??) Now, take some time out from all that hectic napping, bathing and eating stuff and celebrate!! This is your special day! Congratulations to you Limo, our sweetest, most adorable, most mellow, bunny Pet of the Day!! (((Hugs)))

01-08-2002, 05:27 PM
Dearest Limo,
I've never had a bunny as a pet; but if I
ever did, I would want him to be just like
you. You are soooo Cute!!
Congrats to you sweetie-pie on being named
today's PET OF THE DAY !!!