View Full Version : Inspiration and Talent for Sigs

11-17-2004, 09:40 PM
Where do all of you get your inspiration and ideas for them? Kay was kind enough to do both a sig and an avatar for me. I was in the process of attempting to make one for myself at the time. I won't show you my pathetic effort. Are there any tutorials for something like this or how can I get different ideas? I seem to be stuck on the same things. I really envy those of you with such talent and good ideas.

11-17-2004, 09:42 PM
To be honest, I just open up the pictures in PSP and go at it. I've never looked at a tutorial in my life... I just mess around with things until I find something I like. :)

11-17-2004, 09:43 PM
Kay, I have PSP9 is that what you use for sigs? I have tried but they never seem to look as great as yours or everyone elses on here.

11-17-2004, 09:45 PM
I have PSP 7... I refuse to get any of the updated versions because I'm too lazy re-learn everything. :p

11-17-2004, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I have PSP 7... I refuse to get any of the updated versions because I'm too lazy re-learn everything. :p

I just keep downloading the updated versions of the Jasc website becasue i can't afford to buy them, I haven't really seen much difference between 7-9 though.

11-17-2004, 10:00 PM
I usually just open up the pics I'm using on Photoshop and start messing around with them. Its fun to see what you end up with. I've never used a tutorial either...just keep messing around with PhotoShop and figuring out new things. I recently found a PSP7 CD that I didn't know we had in my brother's room, and installed it, but I can't seem to figure out how to use the program. I haven't really messed around with it much either, but it seems so confusing. I'll stick with Photoshop for now.

Basically, I just get the pics I need, make a background, and then go from there. I never have an idea of how I want it to look before starting. It just turns out how it turns out at the end.

Your new siggy is beautiful btw.

4 Dog Mother
11-17-2004, 10:43 PM
Just to show how out of it I am, what does PSP stand for? I too would like to get a program to do "stuff" on and don't have a clue what to get. Can you do things like take out leashes on pictures with that too? Now remember you have to make things real clear when you are talking to a 52 year old grandma!

11-17-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother
Just to show how out of it I am, what does PSP stand for?

It stands for Paint shop pro. IF you go to this site you can download a free trial:)http://www.jasc.com/products/

11-17-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother
Can you do things like take out leashes on pictures with that too?

Yup! You can do it on Photoshop and I think you should be able to do it on Paint Shop Pro.

I just basically open it up and go with the flow. Even if I have an idea of what I want it to look like when I'm done, it never happens. As you do more and more, you tend to pick up favorite techniques and such.

11-17-2004, 11:36 PM
I have looked at tutorials, but I do not get my ideas from there. Just open up and picture and mess around with it. I am sure it will turn out great, Val!

11-18-2004, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
To be honest, I just open up the pictures in PSP and go at it. I've never looked at a tutorial in my life... I just mess around with things until I find something I like. :)

Yup! What she said! I play around with different pictures, making them different sizes, different effects, different fonts, different borders. If I don't like it, I hit "UNDO!", and if I like it, I continue and do something else (add another picture, add a shape, add a color, change the background). Some days it goes really smooth and I'll be happy with the outcome; other days it won't flow so smoothly so I will quit and do something else, until I am inspired again.

Val, I do think you do wonderful sigs. Try, try again! :)

11-18-2004, 07:23 AM
There are too many of you who are so good at making signatures, and so willing to do them for me, that I have had absolutely no interest in learning to do it myself! :o :o :o Shoot, Popcornbird even designed my Christmas card for me last year, which reminds me that I need to see if she will do it again this year!!! :o