View Full Version : Prayers Needed:

11-16-2004, 02:37 PM
The shelter where I volunteer received this e-mail about two pugs they adopted out:

I am writing to tell you all that Nixon is finally home as of this afternoon - spleen removed (awaiting test results on whether it's cancerous) and pneumonia cured - he's been drinking water here at home and starting to eat - after 9 days in the emergency hospital we are blessed to have him home and I thank you all for your prayers.

Last week while Nixon was in hospital, we found a little bump on Brittany's side & took her in to have it removed/biopsied... About 15 minutes ago our vet called with the results - it's a mast cell tumor, stage 1/2 - caught early, but not early enough that we don't have to fight hard to prevent it's metastasizing... vet wants to do surgery ASAP - i.e., this Thursday to remove a wide margin around the spot where we originally found it and send all THAT in for testing...

I have to tell you guys, right now I'm crying and I can't stop - and I feel like this will never end... we've been hysterical with worry day & night over Nixon for almost 2 weeks, and now our sweetest Brittany has a huge battle of her own to fight... Brittany is the sunniest, sweetest & kindest girlie, always hovering over Noah & Nixon to make sure they are ok, even though she's younger than both by a good 4 years... and I am just sick over this and so unbearably pissed and sad and scared, all over again....

I told Stuart I can think of a hundred mean *&^%$#@ humans who deserve cancer way more than our darling little Brittany does, and why this is happening is a complete mystery to me... :( I am devastated...

So thank you all so much for your prayers for Nixon - God willing his recovery will continue, he's resting comfortably (with Miss Britt watching over him of course) - and please keep prayers coming for Brittany - we will do every single possible thing we can to cure her regardless of time, money, distance - anything - like we did for Noah, and like we just did for Nixon - and if anyone has ideas, suggestions, thoughts or anything please tell me, I'd really love to hear...

Many thanks for your love & support,

Please keep both Nixon and Brittany in your prayers!

11-16-2004, 02:51 PM
How heartbreaking:(:(:( All I can say is that a higher power was at work, directing these two special pups with special needs to their wonderful family. Prayers being said for Nixon's swift recovery and for dear Brittany. I hope with all my might that they caught it early enough. Keep us updated on their progress if you're able, Robinh. Sandra

11-16-2004, 03:57 PM
My heart goes out to you and the adopters. It is so hard when your pups are seriously ill. My sincerest good luck wishes on the battle ahead. I will light a candle today.

11-16-2004, 06:31 PM
Approx 80% of Stage II Mast cell cancers can be cured with immediate surgery and radiation to the site, or immediate area.

11-20-2004, 04:22 PM
How are Nixon and Brittany doing?:confused: Hoping for some good news:)