View Full Version : Question about a found stray

11-15-2004, 10:55 PM
We currently have three cats of our own. Last Friday, our front step was adopted by another cat. Since the temperature was slated to get to the low 20s, we brought her in and set her up in the spare room. She is isolated from the existing three so there are no concerns about disease transmission, etc. I am not worried about them contaminating her, as they are current on vaccines. I am concerned, though, about her spreading something to them.

So far, we have published her as found on the radio, the online trader for our community, she will be in the paper beginning on Wednesday. We notified the police and pound she was here in the event her people call there looking for her. We have also notified the area vet clinics. So far, no one has called about her. Also, there are no "lost" ads anywhere that could correspond with her.

She is sneezing a bit and might have a cough. It is very sporadic, and I am not positive about the cough, it could just be a sneeze.

If she doesn't have a home, she will stay here with us. At that point, I will have her vet checked, titers and vaccines, flv tested and an appointment set up for her spay. My question is, how long do you wait for an owner to show up? I do not think she is any immediate danger. She is eating, drinking, and using the litterbox normally. We have touched base with our vet and he isn't concerned about seeing her immediately. I would just like to have an idea of how long to put off the vet visit.

11-15-2004, 10:57 PM
I should also add, there have been about fifteen cats "dumped" in our community over the past two weeks, that I know about. It is that time of year. I would be thrilled for her if her people showed up, but I am seriously not expecting to find them.

11-15-2004, 11:36 PM
I would think any responsible owner would surely make an effort to find her within a week! After that, I'd say she is yours!;)

11-16-2004, 01:13 AM
Welcome to the world of saving the world! Even though your vet may not be concerned, it wouldn't hurt you to get the gal on something asap. Even though all yours have been vaccinated (VERY Good!), there are viruses out there that are not covered by the distemper vaccine and always new strains. Can't hurt to get her started... Is she sneezing yellow? Well, doesn't matter, she is new to you and should be treated radically since you don't know her, don't you think? I mean, an antibiotic to prevent bacterial infection, go ahead and treat for worms, and vaccinate for rabies and when out of the woods with her uri, a distemper vaccine! Check for fleas yet! Ick.

11-16-2004, 01:14 AM
Also, have you checked her nipples to make sure she is not starting to protrube a bit? Want to watch to make sure she is not nursing... also, placing a found ad is free where I live. If you do this, and the owners call, and you don't like them, make sure to not describe her so you have left yourself room to say, "sorry, I don't have your cat.."

11-16-2004, 07:43 AM
She isn't sneezing yellow and I agree she should be treated radically. I am not trying to be cheap, but if she isn't here to stay, I don't want to spend $40.00-80.00 on a vet visit and then turn around and give her back to her family the next day. We have tentatively set her vet visit for Friday afternoon. The found ad runs in the paper from Wednesday to Friday, so if no response by then, we will vet her before the weekend.

The description we have posted for her discusses her fur color only. They will need to provide information on eye color, size and status of claws before we will release her to someone else.

We checked for fleas and nipple size before she even came in the first night, and I have checked a few times since, just to be sure there are no changes.

She is our fifth cat, one has passed before and three currently reside with us. All of them have been fall rescues, with one major difference. Their owners brought them to the vet clinic to surrender them for euthanasia and the vet found new homes for them. This is the first one that found herself to the front door on her own.

I just want her family to have the opportunity to find her if they are looking, while still meeting her physical health and emotional needs. She spent most of last night crying in the spare room because she wants to be out and about with others.

11-16-2004, 08:47 AM
Sadly,she sounds like a Stray,or a Cat,who could use a Better Home! The First thing,that I would do,if she is sneeezing,is get her,to a Vets ASAP<and have her tested,for FIP,as you dont want the germs,to spread,at all,and we pray,that she does better,than Karina,Gem,and Roadblock.

11-16-2004, 11:13 PM
any vet costs you incur should go to the owners! they may not like it but I would gladly pay anyone who picked up my kitty and took care of him/her!! More than gladly! And I would give them money for food, love and care and emotional trauma for wondering what to do!!!!!! You have done a wonderful thing! Call a local rescue group and get her vet care done throught them! It will save you 50% or more! Keep us posted~!

11-18-2004, 08:46 AM
The "tenant", as she is currently known, was started on anti-biotics yesterday and will have a full vet evaluation tomorrow morning. We have had no replies to any of the ads about her.

We do not have any local rescue groups to go through regarding vet care, but we have a well established relationship with our regular vet, who provides the car for the existing three cats and four dogs. He also checked one of the rats for us twice. I think we will be responsible for one wall of his new clinic when it is built :)

As for owner responsibility, it is a wonderful thought, but in our area, it isn't a given. We could ask, but we wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on since we would have sought non-emergency vet care for their property. If they chose to reimburse us, it would be one thing, but we couldn't force the situation.

DH and the boys have started working on a name for her. Twenty four hours from now, we head to the vet and at that point, she is here to stay.

11-18-2004, 10:20 AM
I'm very glad she found you! You mentioned that this time of year is when most get abandoned.. Why???? Just curious. So what are you going to name her??? :) :) Congratulations on a new kitty - how old do you think she is?.. Debbie

11-18-2004, 10:30 PM
We have an abundance of cats in our area that come looking for homes in the fall. The spring kittens are getting out of the "cute phase" as the fall weather turns colder. I don't know why this happens, but this will be how we have acquired five cats over the years.

Still no calls on her, twelve hours from now her vet visit will be over. We are still working on a name. DH seems to think Angel, I think he needs to keep thinking ;)

We have referred to her as the chickie, and Chickie seems to be sticking. By 930, she needs one, so her vet record is official. We better get thinking ;)

11-19-2004, 03:03 PM
Just a little update, Gabby was seen by her vet this morning. Her tests came back negative, she was vaccinated and dewormed, and is now enjoying acquainting herself with the household.

Thank you for the advice!

11-19-2004, 03:12 PM
Glad things are working out for your new girl Gabby! Hope to see some pictures of her soon. ;) I just trapped yet another abandoned mom cat & her five kittens (4 girls/1 boy) :rolleyes: It's starting to get quite cold around here now as well, and there's no shortage of cats and kittens needing safety from the elements. Did the vet shave her navel area to determine if she may have a spay scar? Congrats on your rescue. :D

11-19-2004, 05:06 PM
I'm so glad she is yours - now a name - WE NEED PICTURES!! :) Debbie

11-19-2004, 05:45 PM
Thank you so much for taking in and KEEPING little Gabby! I can't wait to hear more about her and see pictures!!!;)

11-19-2004, 10:21 PM
They didn't see any sign of a scar. She goes back for her final shots in three weeks and we will schedule her spay at that time. So far, she is doing very well, or was. She has gone into temporary hiding, but I am sure she will resurface before too long.

Thanks for the encouragement!

11-20-2004, 12:28 AM
Hopefully, they will check for a spay scar before they open her up and say, "oops! you owe us for a spay even though she was already spayed". This has happened to me until I was connected with rescue groups! The vets won't dare charge for their own mistake! no fleas? YAY!!!!!! We are still seeing them here in our cold weather! ICK. Good job and how did you finally settle on a name?

11-21-2004, 12:56 AM
We have a fabulous vet, who has shephered us through a truly horrible round of experiences for our grey cross. He has CHF and IBS. It has been a stressful and expensive year for our household. He will make sure surgery is necessary before we proceed.

As to her name....well....she is a *little* vocal to put it mildly. DH referred to her as Gabby Gus with all of her yowling. She isn't yowling anymore, but she talks a lot. When I told the vet tech her name, the vet heard me and chuckled. He said he couldn't think of a better name for her, and she had been in the office all of about 2 minutes LOL

She is finally out of hiding tonight. The boys were watching tv before bed and she was curled up with them, loving on them.

11-22-2004, 09:53 PM
Well that's great news! Curled up with the boys! I'd say she feels pretty darn comfortable with the family! AWWWWW! Thanks for the update and your vet sounds awsome too! Always nice to have a vet you can trust!

11-22-2004, 10:15 PM
She is finally out of hiding tonight. The boys were watching tv before bed and she was curled up with them, loving on them. [/B] Glad Gabby's making progress, and settling in nicely. Is she curled up with furboys, or skinboys? LOL! If she's curled up with all the dogs, she's a great find. :D