View Full Version : Feeling really really bad...*need prayers*

11-15-2004, 10:29 PM
I feel so terible...

I lost my job today. Personell was suposed to notify me a month ago. (I was a temp, my endate was suposed to be announced a month before the actual day so I could have time to go and get another job). But they messed up and forgot to send the paperwork. Then they called my boss and told him my last day was suposed to be last friday. They did pay me for today but had to let me go because personell wouldnt extend my employment any more. Sigh...I do have another job lined up (I was halfway expecting this) but there are no gaurntees(sp?) :( So now I try to get everything together so Im not homeless and so my cat can eat.

Then the real fun started...

I was heading to class to make a presentation that has been delayed already. I had to be on time...not only was I not on time but I didnt even show up. WHY? Because I got into a car wreck. some idiot slamed on his brakes on an onramp and I rear ended a mini van trying to avoid being rearended by a semi truck. The lead car was found to be at fault and it looks like my ins will pay for a lot of the damage but my car is is really messed up. I can make it driveable but it wont be cheap. I have to go to the doctor too. I think I might have cracked my sternum because the stupid seat belt in my car broke and I hit the steering wheel with my chest. More money yet if the at fault driver wasnt insured. I hope so but from the citation he got I doubt it. The owner wasnt even driving the car. His dumb $(*#& of a girlfriend who was unlicenced was driving. Ugh. I have to go to court too because I got a following too close ticket. More money...hopefully the judge will wave it if he sees the report

I so hate my life right now but at the same time I find this all kind of funny. I dont know why though. Im glad my husband is an understanding person...


11-15-2004, 10:37 PM
-:(- I'm sorry, I hope tomorrow's a better day. -:(- prayers coming your way.

11-15-2004, 10:47 PM
Oh Dear Lord!!! Take care of yourself. Maybe something to give you a small treat? A favorite video or DVD while curled up under a blankie?

{{{gentle hugs}}} and we'll be holding you in our prayers.

Lilith Cherry
11-15-2004, 10:50 PM
oh you poor girl:eek: What a dreadful day ! I hope everything gets sorted out with the car insurance and that school will be understanding when you tell them why you were absent.

In the meantime be thankful for "understanding husbands" !Good thoughts sent to you.

11-15-2004, 10:57 PM
To a wonderful member of the Thursday gang,
I'm so sorry that you've had a bad day and I'm glad that you've come here for support. Believe me you'll get your fair share of love and caring here.
Big {{{HUGS}}} to you. Things can only get better from here.


11-15-2004, 11:11 PM
Big hugs and doggie kisses coming your way.


11-15-2004, 11:40 PM
Oh my ... what a day! But on the bright side, you weren't hurt any worse than you were! PLEASE DO go to the doctor about your chest though ... that's bound to be hurting pretty badly!!!:eek: I know it doesn't seem like it ... but all things do happen for a reason .... I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that!

BIG gentle HUGS!!!


11-16-2004, 01:14 AM
Oh, DJF! Big {{{{HUGS}}}} to you! I'm so sorry tha you had such a bad day.

11-16-2004, 02:57 AM
I am so sorry for you!

Do something nice that you really like and that makes you feel better (for me it might be a hot bath with something that smells good) and try to think of the good things in your life (also compared to others).

Give Remus a kissie- I am sure he will help too!

Best wishes!

11-16-2004, 07:17 AM
What a lousy string of events for you DJF. :( Hope you get checked over by the doc. and get documentation of injuries you sustained. (((Hugs))) from the icy cold North East that things will be looking up for you soon. ;)

11-16-2004, 07:21 AM
Ugh, what a horrible day! I'm so sorry these things happened to you. At least you all weren't rear-ended by that semi! :eek: That could have been really bad. How is your chest feeling today? Is it bruised? I hope it's not a cracked sternum :( Make sure you get checked out though, just in case. How is your car, is it driveable now? The at-fault driver better have insurance!! If not, what happens? Can you sue him? Do you have full coverage or liability?

Will your teacher let you make up the presentation? I think if you tell him about it and show him the reports and stuff he really should.

As far as the job goes - that really sucks! What an awful day you had. Hopefully the other thing you had lined up works out for you and that will be your new job. When can you start?

{{{hugs}}} to you. I am just glad you are OK. The fact that you can see the humor in the ridiculousness of the situation is a good thing. :) And you have your husband who is there for you. :) Smile, today will be a better day - it has to be!!

11-16-2004, 08:25 AM
{{{HUGS}}}} What a terrible day. I hope everything turns out ok, and that the driver does have insurance. What happened is right up there with my biggest pet peeves on the road. SOOO many people do not know how to merge. I used to follow the same route home everyday and 4 out of 5 days I'd get behind the same guy who didn't know how to merge. I always said that one of these days he was going to get hit (after the 3rd or 4th time of getting behind him I knew to keep a BIG distance between us.) Well, one day I saw that someone DID end up hitting him and he was outside the car screaming at the poor person who hit him like they were the idiot! I nearly stopped to make a witness for the cop as to how bad this guy generally drives, but I figured that with the way he was raging, I didn;t need to be a part of it!

I'm sure that if your teacher finds out about the accident (the police report should be proof enough) then he will gladly give you another extension.

Good luck on your job search. Its not easy out there right now (I shold know since I've been unemloyed for a year.)

11-16-2004, 08:31 AM
Oh DJF - very gentle {{{Hugs}}} across the miles - it sounds a rotten day. I just hope you get yourself to see a doctor - PLEASE.
(Elizabeth had a crushed sternum at a pop concert some years ago and she had to be hospitalised for 5 days)
Curling up with a blankie sounds a good idea to me - with furry company and a cup of tea (whatever!!) - heaven!

Thank God for understanding hubbies - but hey - it wasn't your fault - just a case of the wrong place at the wrong time.

Lots of rest sweetheart - Love Lynne xxx

11-16-2004, 08:36 AM
:( I hope and pray you get better soon and that a new job finds it's way to you.

11-16-2004, 08:36 AM
{{{ hugs }}} and prayers coming your way. Boy when it rains it pours....you sure were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I hope and pray that everything works out for the best.

11-16-2004, 08:38 AM
The Found Cats,and I hope that you are not hurt,as you,are very important,to us.And we hope,that you can get,a better job,and a better Car.WE are praying,for You,Why,as Jimmie Dodd,used to sing,Because We Like YOU!!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-16-2004, 11:30 AM
Oh no, what an awful day! I sure hope the driver at fault has insurance. I HATE it when idiots who have no insurance, no license and no brains are the cause of accidents - especially when there are injuries involved. :mad:

I know this is a low point for you, but that means the rainbow is just over the horizon. Hopefully you will see it soon and all this will be behind you.


11-16-2004, 03:11 PM
Oh no! :( Life seems to take a whack at us all at one time, huh? :(

I'm sorry yesturday was so crappy. Hopefully the rest of the week will work much better for you. You deserve it.

Gentle hugs being sent your way. :) I hope you feel better.

11-16-2004, 03:25 PM
WHat did the docotor say? How are you today? {{{hug}}}

11-16-2004, 03:58 PM
That you had such a crappy day. Stupid drivers, they never are the ones to suffer are they? I am hoping that you arent hurt and that you find a job quickly. I know its hard to look past this right now, but things will get better.
Maybe you and Remus can spend more time together now until you get back on your feet? I hope that you feel better soon, I love Remus and Hannah loves him also! She misses him.. I posted a love letter in Cat General a few days ago.. I think you missed it. If you have time please read it... AND we can raincheck the pictures Hannah and I were begging for, until you get better;)
If their is anything you need help with/ or just need to talk, my PMs are always open.
*HUGS* from me and *headbumpies and kisses* from Hannah. Take care of you.... and please update when you can:D
*give Remus Bear kisses from me and Hannah also*

11-16-2004, 05:33 PM
Hell, Kris... Sounds like you had a great day! :rolleyes: The way I try to think of it, you've reached your quota. No more days like this for at least another year. :) Go to the doctor, get some festive pain meds, grab some chocolate (or some other treat) sit on the couch and say Screw the World! for at least a day. I know how badly days like that can shake you up, and usually you need a little bit of time to just stop shaking! ;) Scratch some Remus ears and just veg. Hang in there, kiddo!

11-16-2004, 06:16 PM
I am so sorry you had such a crappy day. Hopefully today treated you better and you got some rest and relaxation.

Anyway, I hope your day is better today, sweetie.:)


11-16-2004, 06:22 PM
What a rotten set of circumstances.

(((HUGS))) that everything will get better.

11-16-2004, 06:27 PM

The doc said that I probibly did crack my sterum and the only thing I can do about it is rest...no more bowling for me for a week or two :p. The claims people are working things out...but that will take months they say. My dad thinks he and my brother can rebuild my car, and the car i was working on before is almost up. As far as a job goes...I have to talk to my roomate to see when I can go fill out the paperwork. Hopefully I can start Monday :)

Things are looking up...I am glad i can take a day or two to rest up and clear my head. Im still kind of in shock.

Thanks for the well wishes guys...I am so glad you guys are here!!!

*hugs* back for everyone


PS Remus is being a good Dr. Kitty

11-16-2004, 06:41 PM
I'm glad things look a bit brighter today! Hang in there, and be sure to get that rest!

Kim ;)

11-16-2004, 06:55 PM
Oh, I'm sorry to hear you did indeed crack your sternum. Owie!! :( Get well soon, OK? :)

Did you get to reschedule your presentation?

11-16-2004, 07:04 PM
Don't overdo it if you're starting a new job on Monday. Unless it's easy sit back and relax type work. Glad things look a little less gloomy for you today. ;) Rest up!

11-17-2004, 04:48 AM
I'm so pleased you went to see the doc. DJF - but sorry you're in pain - lots of rest and pain killers whenever needed seem to be the order of the day. You sound more upbeat today :D
Keeping you in my thoughts {{{{Very Gentle HUGS}}}} xxx


11-17-2004, 11:23 AM
I'm so glad things are working out better today. :) Glad Remus is being your nurse kitty.

Take care of yourself.