View Full Version : Winsome

11-15-2004, 10:05 AM
What a precious picture! I can see his eyes smiling! It's so wonderful to have companions that can bring us so much joy! By the way, It's a BEAUTIFUL name, where ever did u come up with it??...p.s. don't spoil him with too much people food, we learned that the hard way with my dog...it's not healthy for them and then they get stubborn...won't eat the dog food unless it has people food in it!...of course, though, it's hard not to spoil the ones we love!:)

11-15-2004, 11:53 AM
Hello Winsome! What a darling and devoted doggie you are! You are such a handsome man with such love in your absolutely adorable face! Wini Rocks!! :) :D :)