View Full Version : Hartz Flea Control

11-14-2004, 02:56 PM
I was just reading about this in Cat General,and were using Hartz on Kodie right now.Nothings happen to him or anything yet.Hasnt had an reaction or anything. Is it really ok to use? We did use "Frontline" but its REALLY expensive,its like $80 at our vet for the dogs weighing over 90 pounds,well thats what my mom says but i dont really believe her,is it really that expensive??.I dont know why my mom wont by the good stuff at the vet,its 3 months worth??I dont know i guess ill have to convince her.
Well anyways,just wondering if anyone knows what can happen when you use to Hartz flea control?? Ive heard of some pretty horrible things:(

11-14-2004, 02:59 PM
I refuse to use anything Hartz on my dogs anymore after the things I've heard aobut them. :(

11-14-2004, 03:11 PM
I never have, and never will use over the counter meds. I'm a firm believer in "you get what you pay for".

Have you looked at other meds from the vet? We used Program for a while, and it was much cheaper and still some-what effective (it will control the flea population but won't actually kill them).

11-14-2004, 03:22 PM
Also... When we first got Simba and had flea problems with him, our neighbors put a few drops of Tea Tree Oil in his puppy shampoo and the fleas went away.
Of course, you'll have to treat the house and yard for fleas, but the tea tree old completely got rid of the problem with him.

It's also natural, so if using a shampoo that is "tearless", it won't hurt the dog's eyes (according to my neighbor) Of course, that doesn't mean not to be careful while using it. :p

11-14-2004, 05:29 PM
I buy Flea powder and all at wal-mart. All my pets are ok. So I don't see anything wrong with it.

11-14-2004, 06:40 PM
But what some people don't understand is that these flea meds are chemicals plain and simple. The best we can do is to use a flea med that is less toxic and won't endanger our dog's health. For example, take a flea collar. They work by permeating the skin of the animal's neck, and eventually paralyzes and kills the flea that bites the skin. These chemicals have their origins in nerve-gas chemical warfare, and I, personally, would never place one on my pet's neck. Some common chemicals can also cause convulsions, nausea, and even death in allergic animals or thin-skinned animals such as Greyhounds.

Then there are insecticides which we use in flea drops. One example is carbaryl (Sevin) which holds the potential for a bad reaction such as salivating, labored breathing, vomiting, nervous system damage, and even cancer. You see what I'm aiming at? I, too, follow the statement: "You get what you pay for".

11-14-2004, 08:23 PM
I just checked on the Petmeds website and it was only $44.99!!:eek: :eek: Thats so cheap,im going to have to show my mom. Yes.ive heard good things about Petmeds so im not really scared from ordering from there.

thanks for all your posts:)