View Full Version : Cocky

10-01-2001, 05:16 AM
Hi, Cocky, from a fellow Aussie. I'm pleased to hear that you're a happy little Vege-Mite as bright as bright can be & that you enjoy vegemite for breakfast, lunch (?) & tea.
Can you sing along?

Congratulations on being chosen as Pet of the Day. I hope your owners put a big sign on your cage to tell everybody about your great award.

10-01-2001, 07:43 AM
Cocky - you don't look a day over 4 - what a beautiful bird you are - I bet you can carry one quite a conversation after so many years.

10-01-2001, 09:42 AM
Cocky, what a pretty girl you are and you have all kinds of friends. You must be very popular. Congradulations on being the sweetest, prettiest most cheekiest Pet of the Day.

10-01-2001, 01:48 PM
Congratulations, Cocky! You are a great example of the long and happy life some birds can have. The commitment to keeping bigger birds includes many many years of care and love. How wonderful that you give so much love back to the humans around you. Thanks for being a terrific example of a beautiful and amazing Pet of the Day.

10-01-2001, 05:13 PM
Well Anti-Pam said it all!! Beautiful creatures such as yourself are a life long commitment. What wonderful family you have there sweet down under, dear Cocky to carry you through the years on the wings of love!! What a beauty you are sweet boy! Congratulations to you Cocky, our most beautiful, affectionate, vege-mite loving Pet of the Day! Lots of extra skritches and vege-mite for our very special pal!!! :)

10-01-2001, 05:16 PM
Hi Cocky!! What a great selection you are for our Pet of the Day!!! I love the birds and loved hearing all about you and your wonderful antics!! Congratulations, sweet birdie, on being the Pet of the Day!! :D

[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

10-01-2001, 08:36 PM
Hi Cocky,
Congratulations sweetie for being probably
one of the oldest pets honored as
PET OF THE DAY!!!!You are a Beautiful Bird
and should get whatever treats you want,
when you want them!!!Glad I got to meet you.