View Full Version : Soledad

12-13-2001, 06:55 AM
I just gasped when I saw the beauty of your plummage - what I incredible birdie you are and so smart. Congrats on being our POTD - you surely deserve it :)

12-13-2001, 09:19 AM
Soledad, you are just so incredibly beautiful. Your coloring is wonderful. I love the fact that you play tricks on everybody and that you are so smart and intelligent. Congradulations on being our most beautiful, sweet, playful, Very Best Pet of the Day.

12-13-2001, 01:32 PM
Greetings Soledad from a fellow Swede...Talar ni Svensk?? :D Wow, your colorful plummage is so incredibly gorgeous! And I hear you have that parrot penchant for pranks! I can't wait to check out your website! I have never met an Eclectus parrot before, and can't wait to met your family and read more about you! And Soledad, the vision of you holding onto your humans' ears as she/he rollerblades, is priceless. :D As for your where to put Lucas while blading about??? Silly human...on top of her head! Congratulations to Soledad, our most beautiful, fun loving, shower hogging Svenska parrot Pet of the Day! Dive into a big bowl of fresh fruits and veggies Soledad! This is your special day!!! :)

12-13-2001, 03:59 PM
You are such a beautiful bird! I love the red colors of your feathers, and I love the story you shared! I think that's very cute that you like to go in the shower, I don't know many birds who like that!! But I would love to see your siblings, the other 2 birds your owner talked about. Congrats for being Pet of the Day!