View Full Version : Sequoia gave us a scare!

11-08-2004, 09:17 PM
This evening when we got home from work we did the usual and unloaded the groceries. So it was after 6 and dark by the time we got her out of her kennel and was ready to play with her. My husband clipped on the lunge line (it is actually for horses but works well to play ball with her in the driveway)well it must not have been latched on all the way because as I was walking down the porch steps I saw the clip end of it lying on the driveway with Sequoia romping around.

The last time Sequoia got off a line she took off on me. Now at that time we had only rescued her a few weeks previously and she wasn't staying with us full time yet. That time when she realized she was loose she just took off full speed for the woods. She circled around and found the neighbors rooster. I heard the rooster squawking and was able to get ahold of her. We talked to the trainer that day and he said that if we had told him that she hadn't run then he wouldn't have believed she was a real husky. So when I saw the lead just lying there my heart was in my throat.

We tried catching her but she just wouldn't have it. For her she was ready to play and that was that. She just kept romping back and forth in front of us. Close but not close enough to catch her. I got some treats but she only came close enough to grab and run but still not far. So I ran in the house gathered the cats as fast as possible and put them all in the bedroom. I then held open the door and called her. She came running full speed for the house just as happy as could be. I can't tell you how grateful I was. We live in such a rural area. She could have bolted for the woods and who knows when or if we would have found her again.

I was very encouraged that she didn't seem to want to run off. Not that I am ready and willing to trust her off the leash. If she had seen one of the very many deer hanging out in our yard it would have been over. But she seems to be more interested in being with us than in running. That gives me very warm fuzzies.


Our sweet loving girl


11-08-2004, 11:08 PM
Glad you're home Sequoia!

11-08-2004, 11:13 PM
good girl. My neighbor has an German shepard /coyote her name is the same shes 14years old.

11-08-2004, 11:47 PM
Good girl for not running off! lad she's home safe and sound!

11-08-2004, 11:48 PM
I am so glad she came back to you!
She is sooo pretty!