View Full Version : Precious

09-20-2001, 08:34 AM
Oh Precious, what a perfect name!!! You are SO adorable! You might just be the most loving, lovable, happiest and playful little piggie I've ever met!! Wheeking, running, popcorning all over the place! What a joy you are! How blessed your human is to have a "precious piggie" like you to love and cherish! Congratulations to you Precious, our most gleeful, zippy, wheeking and adored Pet of the Day! My Mr. Squeekers sends you wishes for a very happy day filled with lots of extra yummy fruits and veggies and playtime!

09-20-2001, 12:53 PM
What I cute little fur ball - I had no
idea they came out new so furry and adorable.
I want one!!!!! :eek:

09-20-2001, 03:12 PM
What a pretty little girl you are Precious.
Your Human got a wonderul surprise with a beauty like you. Congradulations on being the sweetest, prettiest, most precious, wonderful surprise Pet of the Day.

09-20-2001, 04:35 PM
I never met an Abyssinian Guinea Pig before.
You are indeed a precious little furball!!!
Congratulations lil baby girl for being
chosen today's sweetest PET OF THE DAY !!!!