View Full Version : cranberry for UTI?

11-08-2004, 08:35 AM
does anyone do this? what is your dosage like and do you give cranberry juice? pills? powder?

my greyhound had UTI a few weeks ago. the vet gave her antibiotics and they worked but ive bene putting unsweeteneed cranberry juice in her food every day to help prevent re-occurance.

any advice would be appreciated.

11-08-2004, 09:16 AM
Sorry, I can't help you about using it for dogs.
I know that cranberry juice is great for humans who
suffer from bladder infections. :)
Not sure if it helps with UTI
but I do give my dogs plain cultured yoguart.
Seems to help keep the irritation away for my female
who use to get skin irratations because
of the urin collecting in her folds of her skin.

11-08-2004, 10:19 AM
I hear that cranberry tablets, or capsules are helpful at preventing UTIs. I'd probably go with the dosage amounts for humans. Extra certainly won't hurt her. ;) Our big girl Greta has had two UTIs both within a relatively short period of time, and I keep meaning to pick up some tabs for her. :rolleyes:

11-08-2004, 07:08 PM
I've never used cranberry for my dogs or cats, but I can't see
that it would hurt them. Of couse, I would talk to my vet before
I gave anything I wasn't sure about. I do know they sell a paste
for cats & dogs usually get liquid, powder or tablet. On dosage
or anything else, I'd check with my vet who knows my dogs &

11-13-2004, 11:55 AM
Cranberry juice can be useful in the prevention of UTI's, but does nothing to treat it, once an active infection is present. The concentrated, unsweetened form, liquid or tablet, is the best and is available at health food stores. I would talk it over with my vet first though, re: appropriateness for use in dogs and dosage:)