View Full Version : Lil Chief

11-27-2001, 06:47 AM
Wow!!! :eek: I'm trying to picture a 100 year old giggling Cockatoo!! I know you aren't 100 years old, Lil Chief, but just the thought that you could be is amazing!!!
With your yummy, healthy diet and a wonderful family, you just might!! Congratulations, our Aussie friend, on being a very beautiful and special Pet of the Day!!! :)

11-27-2001, 09:26 AM
Lil Chief what a handsome boy you are. I love your coloring and you are so funny with your giggling it would start anybody's day off with a smile. It also sounds like you have quite a gourmet diet, all good things to eat. Congradulations on being our sweetest, most handsome, friendliest, most gourmet Very Best Pet of the Day.

11-27-2001, 09:51 AM
Lil Chief...you make my heart go pitter patter. I absolutely LOVE you! You sound like you have all the qualities that make those Cockatoos the wonderful, gentle beings that they are. I sure wish I could give you a scratch on your beautiful head, or under those dusty, soft wings of yours.

Congrats lil one on making it to POTD today and for brightening up my day. There's nothing like a cockatoo to cheer one up :)

11-27-2001, 04:50 PM
Hi Lil Chief! That is one AWESOME pose!!! :eek: How wonderfully your guardian "caught" you in all of your stunning, feathered glory! You are GORGEOUS! And, you did not disappoint in the strictly smiles dept. either! :) Like so many other Cockatoos I have had the pleasure of knowing, you spend a good part of your day just making others smile and laugh with your playfulness, your antics and your loving ways! And Lil Chief, I have a feeling you will be "forever young," giggling and spreading your cheer at 101!! Congrautulations to you beautiful Lil Chief, our magnificently gorgeous, loving and very deserving Pet of the Day!!! Have a wonderful day reveling in your great honor! And indulge in lots of extra Cockatoo goodies, of course!!P.S....Do you REALLY sleep on one foot??? :eek:

[ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

11-27-2001, 06:10 PM
Lil Chief,
You are a Beautiful,Colorful Cockatoo !!!
Congrats on being honored as today's
PET OF THE DAY !!! Must say it is really
awesome to meet a spirit who will live so
long.Happy,Healthy life to you and your matey