View Full Version : Flyball equipment?

11-05-2004, 08:44 PM
Anyone know where to get cheap jumps/instructions on how to make jumps?

11-05-2004, 11:12 PM
Here are a couple of sites I found by doing a quick search.



Also if you need to make a box there are some links here:


11-05-2004, 11:13 PM
I made my own jumps. I just borrowed some from the club, bought some wood from the hardware shop. I placed the jumps on top of the wood and traced around them. I got the same thickness as well. I then used a jigsaw and a router to cut them out.

11-06-2004, 07:56 AM

11-06-2004, 03:12 PM
You're welcome. Are they what you were looking for?

11-06-2004, 03:15 PM
Thank you for posting this cause i'd really like to get into something like this with Kiara. Not for competition, but just for fun. She LOVES balls and loves playing fetch, as well as learning new things.

Is there an age that it should be taught at? Any tips, experience to share??

11-06-2004, 04:11 PM
Yup, it is :D

Kay: I want to do the same with Jo (as well as practice with Zeke) cause she is dog aggressive but I think she'd do good otherwise.

Age? Not sure..I heard its safer to wait till the dog is fully matured (like 2yrs atleast) cause they can do some damage appearintly. I don't know the truth in that...but you could always just do some fun stuff anyway. You don't need the ramp part.

Ways I train with Zeke.
First I had to teach him to fetch the ball and bring it back...which was easy. Then to get the ball when it's dead. Then I went a bit farther and would put it in a diff room (in the open so it's not really hard) and told him to go find the ball. If Kiki is already ball obsessed that probably won't be any problem and you prob won't even need that...but Zeke wouldn't focus AT ALL on the ball in class.

Another thing..tell her to sit/stay then go put the ball in front of her a little ways. Tell her to go get it..and try to incurage her to run right back to you.

You can also do chasing games...which helps with flyball. Like, get someone to hold her then start running and calling her so when they let go of her she'll chase after you.

It's a lot of fun, you should definitly look into it:D

11-06-2004, 04:32 PM
Thanks Audrey!

I read somewhere for agility that I should wait until she is fully matured.

Just recently i've started teaching her to "weave" through my legs. She's pretty much got the hang of it! :)

Sometimes when we play fetch with her, we throw the ball while having her in a "sit/stay". Then we'll say "Go get it!" and she'll run run run and get it!

I'm sure she'd LOVE flyball.. she's not so much fast, but who cares! I'd just be doing it for fun anyways.

P.S. I took some comparison pictures, and possibly post them in a bit. ;) :D

11-06-2004, 04:35 PM
Yay for the pics lmao XD

Hm..yeah, you should try to get her into some club sometime if she likes it. I went to a tourney as line judge and you could tell the dogs were having a BLAST. I really hope Zeke can do that sometime. I duno how great he'd be either but I know he'd love it!

Oh yeha, I pm'd you about the florida thing..not sure if you got that one or not

11-07-2004, 12:31 AM
Kay it is best to wait until Kiara is atleast 12 months old before doing any kind of jumping, and then start off over low jumps. I will link to our clubs Flyball pages there are a few tips for training pups etc. It is fun and the dogs go nuts for it, and speed does not matter, as long as the dog is reliable. ;)

Flyball for puppies (http://www.bdoc.com.au)
If you just go to the flyball link and the menu will drop down you should find the info under "join us".

11-07-2004, 01:28 AM
I like your site. The trick pictures page was great!!!

KAFMR, how do you get your picture to move?