View Full Version : Pistaschio

06-28-2001, 09:17 PM
Hi dear little Pistaschio! Sorry I am so late today in writing to you. But I had to take a moment to tell you just how special I think you are. Beautiful, sweet and so smart!! I simply adore your apre shower photo!! I can see why you are so loved and adored by your mommy. And guess what? You share the same birthday with someone very special to me!! Every March 23 I will think of you!! And of course, sharing your home with so many other furkids, a little bit of attitude is definitely required! ;) I hope you had the happiest of birthdays precious Pistachio. And today is a very special day as well. Today we honor you beautiful Pistaschio as our very deserving and lovely Pet of the Day! I send you lots of hugs and kisssssssses precious one! I loooooooove you too! Love, Sandra