View Full Version : Paco

09-09-2001, 06:50 AM
Joyful, joyful, joyful!!!!! How else can we describe you beautiful Paco??? OK, simply gorgeous! And how about lucky???? I think you're the first feathered kid I've ever heard of getting lost in the mail!!! :eek: Yikes! You deserve a medal just for surviving that ordeal, never giving up!! We would certainly have to add BRAVE to your description. And then there are those qualities that make you Conures so special. Your playfulness and talent for making us humans smile and laugh! Singing, dancing, hanging upside down with a wave!! What lucky humans to have a girl you in their lives. And by the way, I don't believe you are the first feathered Pet of the Day to have a "thing" for cool whip! Congratulations to you brave, beautiful Paco! What a gorgeous, sweet, playful, loving, most DESERVING Pet of the Day!

09-09-2001, 08:59 AM
Paco what a handsome and beautiful bird you are. "Paco" means Frank in spanish, my son's name. You came through your ordeal wonderfully with a wonderful home and family.
Congradulations on being the most adventurous, most handsome, most talkative, best singing, lovable Pet of the Day.

09-09-2001, 09:15 AM
Paco!! What a frightening start to your now wonderful life! You sound like quite a character with all your fun loving antics! :D How I would love to meet you in person and have you sing to me! :D

Congratulations, sweet Paco, for being our very special feathered Pet of the Day! :)