View Full Version : Angel

11-08-2001, 05:47 AM
What a cute wabbbbbittttt. Oh my and such a sweet dispostion as well. It seems that Angel might just be an angel! Congratualtions for being the Pet of the Day!!!! :eek: :D :D :D

11-08-2001, 07:43 AM
What a cute, cute bunny wabbit - love ya and Congrats you cute, cute POTD!!!

11-08-2001, 08:34 AM
Cute! cute! cute!
Those are the only words for you sweetie bunny!

Congrats on being POTD!

11-08-2001, 03:27 PM
Angel, what a sweet name for a very sweet bunny. You are very beautiful, your coloring is so pretty. Congradulations to the 2nd grade class for taking the responsibility of cleaning your home and feeding you and playing with you. Your teacher has a wonderful class and Congradulations for having the sweetest, most loved, most playful, Very Best Pet of the Day.

11-08-2001, 03:46 PM
Precious Angel...Oh, you are SO adorable! What a lovely, furry, lop-eared cutie pie you are. :) I can almost see your halo! How lucky your guardian 2nd grade class is to have you there to teach them the wonderful rewards of being a responsible critter guardian! And what a wonderful job they do caring for you so lovingly, tending to your every need with such responsibility! Good job everyone! Congratulations to you precious Angel, our most adorable, sweet and loving little Pet of the Day. And congrats too, to the special 2nd grade class for all of their loving care!

11-09-2001, 09:42 AM
What a wonderful little Angel, she is adorable. I have 6 house rabbits and they do make wonderful pets. Congratulations on having the children assume some of the responsibility for her care. Rabbits are amusing and often mischevious pets, especially when you sit on the floor with them.
If you haven't done so already you might want to check out the webite for the House Rabbit Society as they have great information on nutrition, housing, toys and health issues: www.rabbit.org (http://www.rabbit.org)
I hope she is getting plenty of timothy hay (not alfalfa as it is too high in calcium) and veggies, rather than pellets and would recommend you get rid of the wood shavings I see in the picture. When urine mixes with the shavings a gas is produced that eventually effects the rabbit's liver and can cause death. As you and the children know rabbits take every bit as much care and responsibility as a cat or a dog but they are definitely worth it! I hope you enjoy your bunny for years to come.