View Full Version : Just some Random pic's of a few of the crew.

10-28-2004, 10:55 PM
Nothing special, just some pictures I have of a few of my babies. They told me that maybe someone here might like to see them. My cats have EGO"S, they think they need to be seen. LOL ;) ;)

Anyway here we go...........First Lita:

Blondie: Some might remember her, she's the stray that had kittens in my vent. She been a great cat.

Monkey, one of the heater vent babies. Monkey is my very special baby, she bonded to me like no other cat I have ever had.

Tig: One of the long time found cat. Tig's cool, there's not another cat like him. ;)

Little Bit: one of the three kittens a friend found on a ranch. She all grown up now and beautiful.

Sassy: the other sister of the three kittens, just as grown up and just as beautiful.

That's it just a few of the kitty side of the zoo.

10-28-2004, 11:16 PM
What beautiful kitties! It's great to see them ... they really need more press on PT!;)

What a remarkable color and pattern Little Bit has ... she is STUNNING!:eek:

10-28-2004, 11:21 PM
I loved the pictures!! Gorgeous cats!!

Originally posted by kimlovescats
What a remarkable color and pattern Little Bit has ... she is STUNNING!:eek:

I was thinking the same thing, I love her coloring, how different! :eek:

10-28-2004, 11:53 PM
Yes, they were right ..... we did want to see them!!!

Thanks :D

Laura's Babies
10-29-2004, 07:10 AM
I think we need to see all of them, they ALL are pretty but like mentioned, Lil Bit's coloring and markings are AWESOME!! Don't see many like that!.

10-29-2004, 08:28 AM
WOW - the coloring on Little Bit is awesome - very pretty! :) They all look great but I just hadn't seen that coloring before. :) Thank you for the pictures! Debbie

10-29-2004, 08:30 AM
You have,some of the most colorful Cats,taht I ahve ever seen,and we love,them all!Amazing variety of Cats!

10-29-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
You have,some of the most colorful Cats,taht I ahve ever seen,and we love,them all!Amazing variety of Cats!

Thanks, but I'd say we both have an amazing variety of Cats. Lucky us. :D lol

What a remarkable color and pattern Little Bit has ... she is STUNNING
Awww thanks, says Little Bit. :o

they really need more press on PT!
I try, but honestly, I just get busy and when the do get press, they seem to get very few looks, so you get to where you say, why bother. (I didn't mean that to be mean sounding, it's just how it is, no hard feelings)

Anyway here's a few more.
Redford the other kitten of the three.

A better pictire of Monkey. Monkey hard to get pictures of, sense she always in my lap or under my feet.

and Little Bit again, sense everyone seem to like her markings so well.

I guess that's all of them except Trouble and Bunny Butt whos on my other post. Then there's Darell left, who I really need to get better pictures of. He's pic always seem to come out looking funny. :confused:

10-29-2004, 11:25 AM
Wow Lil Bit is gorgeous!! She was a kitten too but grown up her markins and coloring are even more striking. Glad we got to see adorable Redford too!

You've got gorgeous kitties!