View Full Version : Iggy

11-06-2001, 09:10 AM
I must say, Iggy, that you are one nice looking iguana, but I don't think I could let you crawl on my head! :eek: And how would an iguana "fuss", anyway? I'm just wondering!!! I'm glad you're happy in your home, and have so many fun things to do there! I'd love to see you in your tree! :D
Congratulations on being Pet of the Day!!! :)

11-06-2001, 10:15 AM
It's nice to see that people take care of this kind of animals.
Beautiful girl also!

11-06-2001, 12:18 PM
Hi Iggy! What a cool-looking little guy you are! You're such a pretty shade of green! Congratulations!

11-06-2001, 12:58 PM
Iggy,what a sweet boy you are. I don't see many iguanas, but you have to be the most handsome and a world traveler at that. Congradulations on being the sweetest, most handsome, Very Best Pet of the Day.

11-06-2001, 01:32 PM
Hey Iggy! What a wonderful, loving mom you have, handsome! With all of that very special love and devotion she dishes out, you must be one happy boy! Your digs sound neat! Whether hanging out in your tree or hanging in the hammock...totally :cool: Congratulations to you Iggy, our very handsome, loving, gourmet Pet of the Day! Make sure you get lots extra treats to celebrate your special day!