View Full Version : Abbey's vet visit

10-28-2004, 11:25 AM
Abbey had her checkup the other day, and she's in perfect health---except her weight:(
I knew she was getting heavier, and the vet's scale confirmed it--she weighs 60 pounds!! 10 pounds heavier than she was last year at her checkup!!!
Since she is a mix of beagle and who knows what else, we have no standard to go by as far as her ideal weight, but I'd like her to drop back to the 50 pounds. She's only going to be 3, and at this rate I will have a 100 pound beagle by the time she reaches 7 years old:eek:
The vet wasn't overly concerned about her weight, enough to run a thyroid panel or anything, but I have to cut way back. I've started increasing her daily walks, she's eating low calorie food now, and getting low calorie treats, as well as fruits or veggies for a treat--no more pizza crusts or pieces of mommy's steaks!!
I'm lucky because she just loves the fruits and veggies--bananas, apples, beans, carrots, pumpkin--she'll eat anything. The vet also suggested giving rice cakes for a treat which she also is loving (I buy the peanut butter flavored ones).

Otherwise, everything else is good--Abbey was even a good girl when she had to have her anal glands expressed (yuck). I told Dr. Ritchie that I had seen her scooting a few times, so she got out the rubber gloves, and took care of that for us too.
She was great for her shot, stood perfectly on the scale for us, and behaved for her nail clipping as well. She's such a good girl!!!

10-28-2004, 11:42 AM
Abbey, you ARE a good girl!!!! And my girls, and boy, can totally sympathize with that "D-I-E-T" thing. Get out the green beans, plain yogurt and maybe some pumpkin (which will also help with the scooting issues), and cut back that food. It works, I promise!! We're still working on Zipper's weight, but the other three look terrific after cutting back on their portions. Wish I had a scale here so that I could keep up with their weight more easily.

Good luck!!! She'll do just fine, I'm sure! And so will you!!! :)

10-28-2004, 01:13 PM
Good girl Abbey! I'm sure you'll be back to your slim trim self in no time. :D

4 Dog Mother
10-28-2004, 01:24 PM
Oh, Abbey, not that diet word! Be a good girl and you will slim down in no time at all. Snoopy is putting a little weight on too - part of the side effects of phenobarbitol. It is hard to keep their weight down when they look at you with those sad eyes - Can't I have a little piece of what you are eating? Or The others don't want their food, so I will eat it for them, okay, mom!

10-28-2004, 02:15 PM
Abbey, glad your vet visit went well. Good luck on the weight loss!

10-28-2004, 05:50 PM
Yay, Abbey! What a good girl! I'm so glad the vet visit went well. Good luck with the diet. I know you an do it.

Robin :)

10-28-2004, 06:12 PM
Dear sweet Abbey,
Believe me I understand about food.
It's not very easy to keep slim.
Very hard around my house.

(glad your vet visit went well) :)

10-28-2004, 07:28 PM
Glad to hear Abbey had a good vet visit. We certainly understand the weight issue!!! I like the tip of rice cakes for treats...I bet cincy would love them ,esp. the peanut butter!!

10-28-2004, 07:54 PM
Ewwwwww - Low Calorie ........... aren't those swear words????

Abbey, hope you can shift those pounds with exercise instead ...... :D

10-28-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by captain
Ewwwwww - Low Calorie ........... aren't those swear words????

Abbey, hope you can shift those pounds with exercise instead ...... :D

lol--please whisper--Abbey doesn't know the food is low calorie--and neither does Kito (shhh.... he's on it too!!!!)

Any tips anyone has for the "D" word would be great!!!

10-29-2004, 12:14 AM
I'm glad the vet visit went well with Abbey! This is just an observance but I've seen many overweight beagles...there's actually very few I've seen that haven't been overweight. So I'm wondering if it may be a tendency with the breed? Good luck with the diet!

10-29-2004, 08:44 AM

No, I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds;) It actually sounds like she's getting some pretty good stuff there! Keep it up and she'll be her fit, trim self in no time!
Glad all went well!

10-30-2004, 10:02 PM
Glad to hear Abbey's visit went well. I understand your worries about any extra weight, I know I really watch Tommy close as goldens have a tendency to easily pack on some extra pounds too. I also try to make sure he stays fit taking him on walks, he gets his main meal in the morning rather than the evening so that he has the day to "work it off" rather than getting a big dinner and laying around all night afterwards. Tasha is more naturally active than he is so I don't have to worry about her much.

It's natural to be concerned but I think you're taking the right steps to make sure she doesn't get obese and start having health problems as a result. Be good Abbey girl, your Mommy is trying to keep you healthy! :)