View Full Version : Buddy and Little Bear!

11-03-2001, 07:52 AM
Hi Buddy and Little Bear! Oh, what a precious pair you two little scamps are! :D And how handsome and pretty....so white and furry and cuddly! Buddy, I hear you are a "daddy's girl!" How special he must feel when you treat him to your extra special loving! And Little Bear traveling to Gramma's on your leash...what a sweet boy! Your family is so lucky to have such a darling duo to love and cherish! Congratulations to you Buddy and Little Bear, our precious and loving and very sweet Pets of the Day! Hope you have a wonderful, very special day of celebrating your most deserved honor!

11-03-2001, 08:36 AM
Buddy and Little Bear, you almost don't look real!! I thought that our moderators must be "hard up" for a Pet of the Day if they were putting "life like" stuffed animals as their choice!! But you are real, and adorable and so photogenic!!!! Congratulations to both of you on being our most spectacular Saturday Pets of the Day!!!! :D

11-03-2001, 09:38 AM
Buddy and Little Bear, what a couple of cuties you are. Congradulations on being the sweetest, most beautiful, most loved, Very Best Pets of the Day.

11-03-2001, 06:31 PM
Buddy and Little Bear,
Your picture is Adorable !!You little guys
sound like sooo much fun to be around..
Congratulations wee ones for being honored
as today's PETS OF THE DAY !!!